Cell Theory: Events in History

By Its C!
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    Microscope was invented

    The invention of the microscope led to many things including the discovery of cells. I chose this event because it led to discoveries of living organisms were made of cells.
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    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Lifespan

    He was a mostly self-taught man in science. He's known as one of the first microscopists and microbiologists. He's also known for being one of the first to observe cells. I chose this event because he was an important pioneer in the field of Microbiology.
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    Robert Hooke Lifespan

    Said to be the first person to discover cells. He gave them their name due to their formation that resembles prison cells. This was an important event because this was the man who discovered the "cell."
  • Micrographia published

    Micrographia published
    Published by Robert Hooke, Micrographia was about the different observations he's made about cells. I chose this event because I feel that it's an important book since it was one of the first that had documented somebodies discoveries about cells.
  • Nucleus was discovered

    Nucleus was discovered
    A Scottish botanist named Robert Brown (1773-1858) was the first to recognize that the Nucleus (a term he came up with) was an essential part of a cell that all of them have by using plants. This was important because once he figured out that cells in plants all have nucleus', it led to the discovery of nuclei being in the cells of body tissue.
  • Plants are...made of cells?!

    Plants are...made of cells?!
    The botanist Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804–1881) suggested that every structural element of a plant is made of cells. This was an important event because this led to the discovery of animal tissue also being completely made up of cells b the zoologist Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804–1881).
  • The Cell Theory

    The Cell Theory
    Hints at the idea that the cell is the basic component of living organisms emerged well before 1838–39. This was important because this theory came into fruition from many different studies in microbiology.
  • Karl Dieters posthumously published a book drawings of nerve cells

    Karl Dieters posthumously published a book drawings of nerve cells
    Karl Dieters lived from 1834-1863 but his book was posthumously published in 1865 and it contained drawings of nerve cells. This was important because it allowed people who weren't scientists to see what cells looked like.
  • The introduction of the oil immersion lens

    The introduction of the oil immersion lens
    This was a technique used to further enhance used to further enhance microscopy. It is done by immersing the lens being used and the specimen in a transparent oil of high refractive index. This was an important event to me because it allowed the microscope to be even stronger and more clear in order to see what was going on inside of a cell.
  • The Black Reaction Developed

    The Black Reaction Developed
    This was the most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy in 1873. This was an important event because it allowed neuroscientists to better analyze what neurons where comprised of.