
the history of cells

  • A development of living creatures found in decaying tissue

    A development of living creatures found in decaying tissue
    Athanasius Kircher showed living creatures like maggots in decaying tissue. this shows how life developed from preexisting cells in the tissue.
  • Jan Swammerdam described oval red-blood corpuscles

    Jan Swammerdam described oval red-blood corpuscles
    This description showed how cells existed in blood.
  • Micrographia was published to show the potential of a microscope

    Micrographia was published to show the potential of a microscope
    Robert Hooke published micrographia. This improved the study of cells and created units such as cells and pores through using the microscope.
  • particles were observed and claimed animalcules

    particles were observed and claimed animalcules
    Antoni van Leeuwenhoeksaw that as the particles were motile, they were living. This showed how animals had living cells as well
  • the nucleus in epithelial cells

    the nucleus in epithelial cells
    Abbot Felice Fontana observed the nucleus in epithelial cells. This showed the existence of it before it was named.
  • recognizing the nucleus

    recognizing the nucleus
    Robert Brown introduced the term "nucleus" after recognizing it first as essential to a living cell. this term is needed for learning about cells and how they work.
  • plant structures are composed of cells

    plant structures are composed of cells
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden claimed that cells made up every structural element of a plant. This showed how much cells impacted the environment and gave information of how cells work and their use.
  • animal structures are made of cells

    animal structures are made of cells
    Theodor Schwann similar to Schleiden concluded that animal structures were made of cells. This showed how plants and animals were similar in this way and the many purposes of cells.
  • the cell theory

    the cell theory
    the statement cells originate from cells was reinforced by Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow, and Alert Kolliker.
    this is one of 3 parts to the cell theory.
  • nerve cells studied

    nerve cells studied
    Karl Deiters published drawings and descriptions of cells showing their other functions and how much they contribute to other living things.