Cell Theory timeline

  • 389 BCE


    He studied the developement of organisms and how they develope gradualy
  • Zacharias Janssen

    In the 1590's he invented the compound optical microscope which made observing cells much easier.
  • Robert Hooke

    In the 1600's he observed the first cells from an organism, these ideas lead to cell theory.
  • Jan Baptist Van Helmont

    In 1643 he did an experiment on the generation of miceprocing the did not just spontaneously appear. This is one of many experiments that lead to the rejection of spontaneous generation.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    In 1674 he discovered single celled organisms while examining pound water under a microscope. And he coined the term cell theory.
  • Lorenz Oken

    Made the statement "All living organisms originate from and consist of cells" in 1805 which might have been the first statement of cell theory
  • Robert Brown

    In 1831 he discovered the nucleus and it role, which helped develope the second half of cell theory.
  • Theodor Schwann

    In 1839 he concluded that tissues are made of cells, laying the foundation for cell theory.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    In 1839 he concluded that plants were made of cells and cells were the building blocks of all plant matter.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    In 1840 he discovered that sperm and eggs are also made of cells, showing that humans were made of cells from beginning to end.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    He is the one that dicovered that cells come from other prexiting cells, which was later used to study cells on the cellular level.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pateur was the one who disproved spontanius generation by proving that cells only for from prexisting cells.