
Cell Theory Scientists

By ltwl12
  • Zacharias Janssen

    Zacharias Janssen
    Made the first microscope.
  • Period: to

    3 Basic Principles of Cell Theory

    1. All organisms are made of one or more cells.
    2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization.
    3. All cells come from pre-existing cells in organsisms.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Created the word "cell".
  • Antonie van Leeuenhoek

    Antonie van Leeuenhoek
    Discovered bacteria, sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic protist, and more.
  • Abraham Trembley

    Abraham Trembley
    Observered cell division.
  • Caspar Friedrich Wolff

    Caspar Friedrich Wolff
    Came up with the generalized cell theory.
  • Pierre Jean François Turpin

    Pierre Jean François Turpin
    Observed cell division.
  • Henri Dutrochet

    Henri Dutrochet
    Discovered that cells are basic unit of organised state.
  • Francois-Vincent Raspail

    Francois-Vincent Raspail
  • Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen

    Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen
    Cells are individual.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleiden

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden
    Discovered that every plant is made from cells.
  • Theodore Schwann

    Theodore Schwann
    DIscovered that all animals are made from cells.
  • Hugo von Mohl

    Hugo von Mohl
    Discovered that the nucleus of the cell is not attached to the cell.
  • Robert Remak

    Robert Remak
    Discovered that cells come from pre-existing cells.
  • Rodolph Vichow

    Rodolph Vichow
    Discovered that cells are derived from other cell.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Discovered that there is no spontaneus creation of cells from non-living matter.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Created Mendel's law of inheretance.
  • Francesco Redi

    Francesco Redi
    Observered chromosones in a cell during division.
  • Theodor Schneider

    Theodor Schneider
    Observered chromosones in a cell during division.