Cork micrographia hooke

Cell Theory

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    Hooke discovered the cell and was the first scientist to introduce the term "cell" to the scientific world. He discovered the cell by looking at a thin layer of cork underneath a microscope, which revealed small spaces that looked like a cell, like those that would be found in a prison. Hooke decided to name the shape that he saw "cell," because of this resemblance. Hooke provided a base layer of knowledge in the world of cellular information that would be built upon in the future.
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    Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to discover bacteria. He also greatly improved the magnification in microscopes by polishing the lenses to create a greater viewing resolution. A result of this greater viewing resolution was the ability to see the bacteria that Leeuwenhoek had removed from the inside of his cheeck. Leeuwenhoek added to the refinement of the microscope that led to the possibility for future scientists to learn more about the cell.
  • Dutrochet

    Contribution: Dutrochet came up with a fundamental factor in the cell theory, "the cell is the fundamental unit of organization." This became a major part of the cell theory because it established the importance of the cell in the world.
    Method: Dutrochet reached this conclusion by studying various types of living tissues and realizing that cells made up all of those substances.
    Disprove past theories:He proposed that cells come from previous cells, disproving past theories about cell origins.
  • Dujardin

    Contributions:Dujardin was hte first scientist to propose that many living organisms are only one cell. Dujardin grouped these organisms, naming them Rhizopada. He also found a similar substance inside of all cells that was like jelly.
    Method: Dujardin examined various cells under a microscope tat allowed him to see if the cells had a substance that they were composed of, inside of the cell.
    Disprove: Dujardin also disproved the earlier held belief that all cells were hollow.
  • Schleiden

    Contribution: Schleiden was a botanist that discovered that all plants were made up of cells. In adding his findings with those of Schwann, the scientists discovered that all living things were made up of cells.
    Method: Schleiden found out that all plants are made of cells by examining plants under a microscope.
    Improved on previous: This was a monumentally important finding in the development of the cell theory.
  • Schwann

    Schwan discovered that animal tissues were made of cells. He discovered this by examining tissue under a microscope. In doing this, Schwann continued to prove Dutrochet's idea that the cell was the building block for life, because animals are alive and they are made up of cells.
  • Virchow

    Contribution: Virchow stated that all living things are products of other living things. This meant that cells come from previous cells, they didn't appear out of nowhere.
    Method: Virchow watched cells divide under a microscope, and realized that the new cell came from the old cell. The cell divided into two parts and created two identical cells in the end.
    Improve: Virchow was the final step in creating the cell theory, and his findings only added more depth and knowledge to the theory.