cell theory

  • Period: to

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    he saw particles under his microscope were motile and, assuming that motility equates to life, he went on to conclude that these particles were indeed living organisms.
  • Micrographia gets published by Hooke

    Micrographia gets published by Hooke
    The micrographia is the first important work
    devoted to microscopical observation, and
    showed what the microscope could mean
    for naturalists. I choose this because it was the first important work
  • Period: to

    Robert Brown life span

    he was the first to recognize the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells in 1831.Brown recognized the general occurrence of the nucleus in these cells and apparently thought of the organization of the plant in terms of cellular constituents. He also introduced the name nucleus.
  • Achromatic microscopes are introduced

    Achromatic microscopes are introduced
    the Achromatic microscopes allow more precise histological observation. I chose this because Achromatic microscopes were technical improvements
  • Period: to

    Wilhelm life span

    Wilhelm put forward the idea that the nerve-cell body and its prolongations form an independent. He suggested that a separation of cell units might be true of the central nervous system. The nervous
    system began to be considered, like any other tissue, as a sum of anatomically and functionally independent cells, which interact by contiguity rather than by continuity.
  • Period: to

    cell theory formulated

    Some cellular components, such as the nucleus, had been visualized, and the occurrence of these structures in cells of different tissues and organisms hinted at the possibility that cells of similar organization might underlie all living matter. I chose this because cells are the building block of all living things
  • The "free cell formation" theory is refuted

    The "free cell formation" theory is refuted
    Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow and Albert Kölliker who refuted the free cell formation also showed that cells are formed through scission of pre-existing cell. They created a part of the cell theory that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
  • Microscopy greatly improved

    Microscopy greatly improved
    the the development of the microtome technique and the use of new fixing methods and dyes greatly improved microscope. The microscope allows people to see cells up close
  • Gologi develops "black reaction"

    Gologi develops "black reaction"
    The most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomyis when Gologi develops black reaction. I chose this because it is the most important breakthrough
  • the term neuron is introduced

    the term neuron is introduced
    Waldeyer introduced the term ‘‘neurons’’ to indicate independent nerve cells. There after, cell theory as applied to the nervous system became known as the ‘neuron theory. I chose this because he basically started neuron theory.