the history of cell discovery

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    jan swammerdam

    a microscope user of his time who used his knowledge to help.
    He described to be able to see red corpuscles within blood. this further thrust forward the mystery of cells.
  • Athanasius Kircher

    Athanasius Kircher
    A Jesuit preacher observed that the materials that animals and bugs were made out of eventually decayed after death, allowing maggots to fester. this obvservation aroused the question of why that it so.
  • microphagia was made

    microphagia was made
    Robert hooke was an excellent english scientist and microscopist. He was even able to create his own improved microscope on his own volition.
    In 1665, Robert hooke released "microphagia." this detailed many things regarding microscopes, but most importantly it described cells, and laid the foundation for what they should be in the future.
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
    a dutch businessman and scientist. he was very interested in microscopes. he modified and produced a large number of lenses.
    In a formal letter that was sent to the royal society, he stated that cells were indeed living organisms. this was a confirmation of a very important question stated by other scientists at this time,
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    Lazzaro Spallanzani

    an italian naturalist who did a lot of expiriments.
    through his expiriments, he and a few other researcher's figured out there was a distinct difference between organic and inorganic materials
  • Felice Fontana

    Felice Fontana
    This man was an abbot who was interested in the inner workings of the cell.
    within a plant cell that he was studying, he discovered the nucleus of cells, introducing th concept of organelles.
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    a zoologist who stated that "the elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells." this further exemplified the meaning and relevance of cells and cell research.
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    Rudolf Virchow and Albert Kölliker

    These two scientists concluded during their era, that the cells that exist today, needed to come from previously existing cells. This ended the discussion of whether or not the cells just appeared out of thin air.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleiden

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden
    A botanist whos worked with plants his whole life.
    He proposed the fact that all plants were made out of cells, not just some. This set a precedent for the future of cell study.
  • Flemming

    A scientist interested in microscopy. he used his research and helped by detailing the process of mitosis in order to let other's know how it works.
  • neuron theory

    neuron theory
    im 1931 after the invention of the electric microscope, scientists were able to clear the mystery regarding neurons and what cell's should be classified as. this was very important in the cementing of factual cell information.