Causes Of The Revolution

  • Constitution of 1824

    Which was similar to the United States Constitution but resembled more the Spanish Constitution of 1824.
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    Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Texas rebels learned the Federalist army won a major victory under the leadership of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. They sided with the Federalist caused by making the first Bayou Resolution.
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    The Consultation

    Debate between the opposing factors that wanted to continue diplomatic relations with Mexico, led by Stephen F. Austin and the side that wanted independence, led by William Warthon and Henry Smith.
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    Fredonian Rebellion

    The Fredonian Rebellion was a dispute between the Mexican government and the Edwards brothers, Haden and Benjamin.
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    Mier Y Teran Report

    Their job was o observe the natural resources and the Indians, to discover the number and attitudes of the Americans living there, and had to determine the United States-Mexico boundary between the Sabine and the Red rivers.
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    Gverrrero Deggree

    The degree reached Texas on October 16, but the political chief withheld its publication because its violation of the colonization laws with guarantee settlers security for their person and property.
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    Conflict at Anahuac

    Came to mouth of Trinity River on Galveston Bay with orders to establish a garrison and town on October 26, 1830.
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    Convention of 1832

    It were resolutions requesting the extension of tariff exemptions, modification of the law to permit more general immigration from the United States, donation of government lands for the maintenance of primary schools.
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    Law of April 6, 1830

    Made to stop so many immigrants from the United States to Texas. Came as a result of the warning, Meir Y Teran Report.
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    Stephen F. Austn goes to Mexico City

    Deliver the petitions to Mexico City. Argue for their approval. Persuaded the government to repel the law of April 6, 1830.
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    Battle of Velasco

    The first case of bloodshed in the relations between Texas and Mexico.
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    Convention of 1833

    Met at San Felipe on April first,the day that Santa Anna took control of Mexico. About 56 delegates were there, including a new delegate from Nacogdoches, Sam Houston.