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Factor Structure, Concurrent Validity, and Internal Consistency of the Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition in a Sample of College Students.
The Beck Depression inventory is a type of test that determines the level depression and anxiety for different students. According to the article, the main reasons why students experience high levels of depression is due to their fear of failure and exams pressure. -
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The prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and stress in a sample of college students.
According to the article, the three top concerns for depression and anxiety among college students are academic performance, pressure to succeed, and plans after graduation. -
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Suicide and depression among college students
The article revealed many treatment methods that students suggested, such as making people more aware of the situation, more understanding faculty, individual counseling, more activities that brings people together and not just partying, study groups, and educating people about the signs of depression. -
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Lifestyle medicine for depression
This article is about how a person's lifestyle affects his levels of depression and anxiety. -
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Facebook use, envy, and depression among college students: Is facebooking depressing?
This article explains how Facebook and other social media applications can cause a person to become depressed through envy. Envy is the desire to take someone else's objects. -
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The Role of Family Support and Perceived Stress Reactivity in Predicting Depression in College Freshman
This article shows that family support only helps when the student has low levels of anxiety and depression.