This World War 1 was formed by the desire of countries wanting to be apart of other countries. Like, the Slavic people in Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be part of Austria Hungary. As the problem continued it lead to War. Nationalism of different countries throughout Europe caused the extension of the war in Europe. -
In 1914 Germany ,Great Britain, and Russia Increased their military . In Germany and Russia their military establishment began to influence their public policy. This increase in militarism helped push the countries involved into war. -
Before World War I, Africa and quarter part of Asia were points of contention among the European countries. Because these countries had raw materials to provide. The growing competition and the need for greater empires create an increase in confrontation. This then aided the world into World War I. -
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
On June 28, 1914, a group called Mlada Bosna carried out the assassination of Him and his wife. Austria, Hungary then declared war against Serbia on July 28. It was such a big problem because Russia had a treaty with Serbia and Germany had a treaty with Austria-Hungary. The two countries then began to prepare their own armies. Germany got worried when it seemed that Russia was preparing to help Serbia. So, Germany declared war on Russia on August 1. -
Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
The blank check was a document that assured allice to Austria. It all started when Archduke was assassinated. Austria wanted to destroy Serbia but, Austria-Hungary needed an official promise of support from Germany. So, after Austria tried to convince Germany to support them. Germany then sent a documents pleding their alliance to them. -
Effects of WW1
WW1 had many effects maybe not as bad as for some countries but, still bad. Some countries lost homes and factories but, the U.S didn't. We still lost lives in the war but, after our US economy was booming, profits increased. But, inflation was high and companies and corporations started to reduce wages and lay off workers. Which in 1919 lead to a big strike. -
Great Britain's entry into WW1
In 1839 in the Treaty of London a document was signed to have the country Europe be guaranteed as a neutral state by all great powers. This was all thrown away when Germany invaded Belgian. The German invasion on Belgium had triggered British opinion against Germany -
Sinking of the Lusitania
On May 7 a German U-boat torpedoed and sank the Lusitania. It was a British ocean liner that was leaving New York and heading to England. Out of 1,900 passengers and crew members on board, more than 1,100 perished. Sinking of the Lusitania played a major role in turning public opinion against Germany. -
Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
After the attack of the Lusitania the German U-boat decided to come back. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson then sent a note to the German government telling them to end the German attacks against unarmed merchant ships. The German government then imposed strict constraints on the nation’s submarines. Then were persuaded to suspend U-boat warfare. But, the German navy commanders didn't give up so, they convinced the army and government to push for more aggressive use of the submarine. -
Zimmerman Telegram
1917 the Zimmermann Telegram was a message from the German foreign secretary to German ambassador to Mexico. Making a offer for a alliance in the case of war between the United States and Germany. In the message Germany offered to help restore Mexico's lost territories in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. That was only if Mexico decided to help -
U.S. Entry into World War
On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went to a joint session of Congress to persuade them to give a declaration of war against Germany. He explained about Germany violating treaty's, the document persuading Mexico to be an alliance with Germany, and the unrestricted submarine warfare. The U.S. Senate voted in support of the U.S declaring War on Germany. The U.S later attacked Hungary later that December. -
The Treaty of Versailles
This Treaty was a peace treaty signed at the end of World War I. It was created to ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It did end the fighting when it was signed but, there was still a period of six months of negotiations to complete the treaty. -
The Rise of Adolf Hitler
After Hitler joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, a German political party Germany was suffering because of inflation. He had promised to improve the economy and promised to provide jobs for the people. So, he decided to throw Jews out of work and give their jobs to the Germans. -
The Dawes Plan and Young Plan
The Dawe and Young Plan was created to help Germany. The Dawe plan strengthen it's economy and reduce inflation by reducing the initial reparation payments of Germany. It also increased the payments as the enconomy improved. The Young plan reduced the amount Germany had to pay for reparations. -
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929 was the day The Great Depression began. The stock market crash and caused Millions of Americans to be unemployed. There Great Depression was caused because of the speculation of stocks, the fall of many banks, and the Dust Bowl. -
There were 4 major countries that had alliances with each other. Russia had a treaty with Serbia and Germany had a treaty with Austria-Hungary. The two countries then began to prepare their own armies. Germany got worried when it seemed that Russia was preparing to help Serbia. So, Germany declared war on Russia on August 1.