cause of the american Revelation

  • French and Indian war

    The French and Indian war took place in 1754 and ended in 1763. They have been clams that say "Conflicting claims between Great Britain and France over territory and water ways". The British ended up winning the war because they outnumbered the French even though the French did very well with guerilla tactics.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation line was a British-produced bounder marked in Appalachian Mountain of the Eastern Divide. The French and Indian war was mainly intended to conciliate the Native by checking the encroachment of colonist on their land. The proclamation was offensive to the colonies as undue interference in their affairs.
  • sugar act 1764

    The sugar act also know as the plantation act or the Revenue act, took place in 1764. British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade. French and Dutch West indies increased revenues to fund enlarged British Empire responsibilities.
  • Taxation acts 1764-65

    Efforts to raise funds to pay debts and defend the American territories won.The French in the 7 years' war, British government passed the Stamp Act on March 22,1765. The colonists were angry with the Stamp Act and quickly acted to get rid of it. They did this by simply refusing to pay taxes.
  • Stamp act 1765

    The Stamp act took place on Oct. 7-25 1765. This act was repealed, and abandoned their ban on British goods. The Stamp act was an Act of Britain imposed a direct tax on stamped paper from London. This also included legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspaper, and many other stamped materials.
  • Townshend Acts 1767

    The Townshend act happened in June 29, 1767. The Townshend act helped pay for expenses involved in governing. The Townshend of series of measures passed by the British. New taxes on imports of paper,paint,lead,glass,and tea.
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    The Boston Massacre happened in March 5, 1770. The British Army were the ones to blame for the unfortunate accident. The soldiers that were involved were proven innocent . The Private huge Montgomery fired first at the British soldiers.
  • Boston Tea party 1773

    The Boston tea party took place on December 16, 1773. The Boston Tea party occurred because a political protest at Griffin's Wharf in Massachusetts. The outcome of the Tea Party was tension between bot Great Britain and colonies which led to the Britain imposing the Intolerable Acts. The colonists were mad about being taxed on the tea they drank so they decided to not pay.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The intolerable act started in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party.The seat of the most radical anti-British sentiment,from other colonies. The Intolerable Acts were unfair because the port of Boston to all ships until the colonists had paid for the tea they had dumped in the water. Many felt the punishment of closing the port for all Boston ships to be unfair.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill started on June 17,1775. The British defeated the Americans but despite their loss, the colony forced conflict against the enemy. The British lost that battle all because they were running low on supplies which included gun powder and ammunition. This battle was one of the bloodiest battle in man history.