Jesus rose from the dead and the first pentecost was founded. During this time Peter went around and spread the word of the lord and got over 3 thousand people to join the catholic community. This created the first real catholic community. -
St Peter baptise Cornelius which lead to the missioning of the Gentiles -
The first persecution of Christians in Jerusalem under Herod Agrippa. Many Christians escape to Antioch, establishing its first community. -
First death of a Apostle for faith
Martyrdom of St. James the Great, brother of the Apostle John. He is the first apostle to die for the faith. He was sentenced by Herod Agrippa in 44 AD. Today he is honoured at the shrine of Santiago Compostela. -
Jews Revolt
Jews revolt against Roman authority. The Christians, remembering the prophecies of Christ, leave Jerusalem, led by their bishop, St. Simeon. A civil war ensues. Nero sends Vespasian and Titus to put down the insurrection. -
Fall of Jerusalem
The temple was destroy and millions of Jews were killed that day. -
Pope St. Clement
He writes "Our apostles also knew, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and there would be strife on account of the office of the episcopate. -
Montanus movement
Montanus launches his Montanist movement, based on his private revelations. He claimed that there was an age of the Father (the Old Testament), the Age of the Son (the New Testament) and the age of the Holy Spirit, which he would inaugurate and which would announce the end of the world. It denied the divine nature of the Church and preached a very rigorous morality. -
Pope Victor 1
Pope Victor I excommunicates Theodotus for his denial that Jesus is God. The latter gathered together a band of followers, whose teachings would eventually influenced Paul of Samosata, the true originator of Arianism. -
Pope St. Callistus
Pope St. Callistus I excommunicates Sabellius, a priest who taught that the Son of God did not exist before the Incarnation, and that God exists in three "modes" but not in three persons, therefore the Son and the Father suffered at the passion. This heresy, Sabellianism, would become prevalent in the fourth century.