Catholic Timeline

  • Devil's Drink

    The use of Coffee despite by the priests to ban the Muslim drink named as the ''Devil's Drink''
  • Ban Christianity from Japan

    Tokugawa bans Christianity from Japan
  • Pope makes Armand Jean a nomination of king

    Pope makes Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu nominated to become king
  • Pope dedicates the New Basilica

    Pope dedicates the New Basilica of St Peter 1,300 years after the first Constantinian basilica
  • Trial of Galileo

    House Arrest
  • St. Anselm

    Doctor of the church
  • John Carroll

    Becomes first bishop in the United States
  • Pope Pius V

    Was taken to prison by the armies of Napoleon, then died in France
  • Catholic Church

    Gets re-established in France
  • Napoleon

    Claims himself Emperor of the French in the Cathedral
  • Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

    Resumes residence in the town of Jerusalem
  • Plenary Council of Baltimore

    The first council is held in the United States
  • St Patrick Cathedral

    It was built between 1858-1940
  • Emperor Charles

    Dies in Austria
  • Martin de Porres

    A lay brother is canonized by Pope John XXIII
  • Lech Walesa

    Was awarded the Nobel Prize
  • St. Therese of Lisieux

    Is made doctor of the church
  • Pope John Paul II

    He canalized the St Faustina and then designated the Sunday after Easter.
  • Pope John Paul II

    Issued a program for the Church.
  • John Geoghan

    Is convicted of child molestation