Catholic Church Timeline

By Changa
  • 30

    Crucifixion of Christ

  • 30

    ​ Crucifixion of Christ.​

  • 45

    St Paul begins his journeys

  • 45

    ​ ​ ​ St Paul begins his journeys.​

  • 51

    Council of Apostles held in Jerusalem

  • 51

    Council of Apostles held in Jerusalem​

  • Period: 95 to 303

    Up until the 300’s, Christians repeatedly suffered from persecution

  • Period: 95 to 303

    Up until the 300’s, Christians repeatedly suffered this:​ Persecution​

  • 313

    Freedom of Christian religious practice granted by Emperor Constantine

  • 313

    Freedom of Christian religious practice granted by Emperor Constantine.​

  • 325

    First Council of Nicea and the formulation of Nicene Creed

  • 325

    First Council of Nicea and the formulation of Nicene Creed.​

  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon.​

  • 529

    St Benedict founds the monastery of Monte Cassino

  • 529

    St Benedict founds the monastery of Monte Cassino.​

  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III

  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III.​

  • 1054

    ​ Division of Christianity into East and West.​

  • 1054

    ​ Division of Christianity into East and West.​

  • 1095

    First Crusade proclaimed by Pope Urban II.​

  • 1095

    First Crusade proclaimed by Pope Urban II.​

  • 1378

    ​ St. Catherine of Sienna succeeded in bringing peace between the Papal states. ​ ​

  • 1378

    ​ St. Catherine of Sienna succeeded in bringing peace between the Papal states. ​ ​

  • 1517

    ​ Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation. ​

  • 1517

    ​ Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation. ​

  • 1534

    ​ Henry VIII establishes the Church of England and begins the persecutions of Catholics.​

  • 1534

    ​ Henry VIII establishes the Church of England and begins the persecutions of Catholics.​

  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    ​ Council of Trent​

  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    ​ Council of Trent​

  • Arrival of First Fleet at Sydney Cove ​ Possibly first Mass was said on Australian soil during this year by Fr. Receveur ​

  • Arrival of First Fleet at Sydney Cove ​ Possibly first Mass was said on Australian soil during this year by Fr. Receveur ​

  • Period: to

    ​ First Vatican Council

  • Period: to

    ​ First Vatican Council.​

  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Period: to


  • ​ Declaration of the State of Israel

  • ​ Declaration of the State of Israel.​

  • Period: to

    Second Vatican Council

  • Period: to

    Second Vatican Council.​ ​

  • John Paul II visits Australia for Beatification of Mary MacKillop ​

  • John Paul II visits Australia for Beatification of Mary MacKillop ​

  • Year of the Jubilee to celebrate 20 centuries of Christianity

  • Year of the Jubilee to celebrate 20 centuries of Christianity.​

  • Death of Pope John Paul II​ Pope Benedict XVI elected

  • Death of Pope John Paul II​ Pope Benedict XVI elected.​ ​

  • World Youth Day Sydney 2008

  • World Youth Day Sydney 2008

  • Pope Benedict XVI ​ resigns as Pope and ​ Pope Francis is appointed

  • Pope Benedict XVI ​ resigns as Pope and ​ Pope Francis is appointed.​ ​