catholic chriuch timleline cole

By colemen
  • 33


    This is the chruchs birthday 49 days after Easter
  • 34

    Martyrdom of Stephen

  • 50

    Council of Jerusalem

  • 64

    Martyrdom of peter and paul

  • 72

    Martyrdom of Thomas

  • 100

    St John the last Apostles Dies

  • 195

    Pope Victor the first excommunicated

  • 250

    Pope Fabian is killed

  • 313

    Edict of milan Christendom

  • 325

    The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea,

    creates Nicene Creed
  • 326

    Pope Sylvester I makes the Basilica of St. Peter sacred.

  • 345

    Pope Julius the first makes December 25 Christmas

  • 360

    Julian the Apostate becomes the last non-Christian Roman Emperor.

  • 380

    Emperor Theodosius I makes chrisntity country religon

  • 381

    First Ecumenical Council of Constantinople.

  • 381

    First eccuminecal coucnil of constinople

  • 387

    St Ambrose baptizes St Augstine of Hippo

  • 452

    Pope Leo the first persuades Attila the Hutt from not attacking Rome

  • 455

    Rome gets attacked by the Vandals destroyed the church of Jerusalem.

  • 476

    End of christendom

  • 480

    birth of St Benedict

  • 638

    Jerusalem and Syria conquered by Muslims

  • 680

    Third Council of Constantinople stops Monothelitism.

  • 1216

    Dominican Order founded by Saint Dominic

  • 1462

    : Pope Pius II issued a bull in which he declared the Church's opposition to the slave trad

  • 1475

    Pope Leo

    Start of Papcy 1475
  • 1523

    Pope Leo

    End of Papcy 1523
  • 1549

    St. Francis Xavier reaches Japan

  • 1551

    The first diocese of Brazil is created

  • 1563

    Ecumenical Council of Trent closed.

  • Pope Clement VIII sanctions use of coffee despite petition by priests to ban the Muslim drink as "the devil's drink

  • Pope Clement XI rules against the Jesuits

  • Grey Nuns founded.

  • John Carroll becomes the Bishop of Baltimore, the first bishop in the United States

  • Pope Pius VII

  • Pope Pius VII

  • The University of Notre Dame is founded in South Bend, Indiana,

  • The First Plenary Council of Baltimore is held in the United State

  • Pope Pius IX opens the First Ecumenical Council of the Vatican

  • Thérèse of Lisieux dies.

  • Pope Pius XII

    Start of Papcy
  • The German Army occupies Rome

  • Pope Pius XII

    End of Papcy
  • Pope John Paul 2

  • Pope John Paul 1

    start of Papcy 1978
  • John Paul 1

    End of Papcy 1978
  • Mother Teresa awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Pope John Paul 2

  • A solemn declaration agreed on between Pope Benedict XVI and Muslims,

  • Pope Francis canonized over 800 Catholics that were killed by Turk