Categorization of Emotional Disorders

  • 100

    BC Trephining Used to Control Behavior

    Trephining used to control behavior - hole was drilled in skull - release evil spirits
  • Period: 100 to 300

    BC Archaelogical

    Trephining used to control behavior
    Possession by spirits
    Cast out by exorcism
  • 377

    BC Inauguration of a Medical Approach to Understanding Behavior

    Hippocrates (460-377 BC) - Greek Physician inaugurated a medical approach to understand maladaptive behavior
  • Period: 377 to 460

    BC Hippocrates

    Physical illinois attributed to brain pathology (heredity; injury to head)
    Inaugurated the medical approach
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    Dark Middle Ages

    During the Dark/Middle Ages (500-1500), the medical or physical approach to mental illness was lost in Western societies.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1401 to

    Demonic Possession

    Corporal possession by evil spirits caused madness. The spirits of individuals were possessed by Satan. Called witches and had supernatural powers.
  • Jan 1, 1515

    The Deception of Demons and The Discouerie of Witchcraft

    Latter part of Middle Ages to the beginning of Renaissance - Johann Wever (The Deception of Demons) - witches were mentally sick; Reginald Scott (The Discourerie of Witchcraft) - spirits cause mental disorder - radical ideas of both prevailed as time passed - existence of "mind" as distinct from "soul". Attention was away from Notion of Spirits.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Individuals in Asylums

    1547 - St Mary of Bethlehem was established by Henry VIII inLondon - Individuals with emotional/behavioral challenges segregated in asylums. Patients shackled or chained to walls; crowded cells.
  • Individuals in Mental Hospitals

    1700-1800’s - Treatment in mental institutions.
    Philippe Pinel (1745-1826), a French physician, treatment approach - Moral Treatment.
    Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), Father of American Psychiatry - focus - Importance of Education
  • Unchaining the Mental Patients

    Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) - French Physician and Director of Bicetre Hospital - Study of Emotional Disturbance returned; unchaining of the mental patients and more human forms of treatment
  • The Wild Boy of Aveyron

    Jean Itard (1775-1838) The Wild Boy of Averyron - classic book - established teaching as an important component of treatment
  • Period: to


    Varied terminology, lack of consensus on terminology
    Late 1900's - term emotional disturbance began to be used
    Label behavior disordered became popular
  • Period: to

    Archaelogical BC

    Posession by spirits
    Case out by exorcism
  • Juvenile Psychopathic Institute Established

    1909 - Juvenile Psychopathic Institute opened.
    Dr. William Healy, Agusta Bronner, Grace Fernard and Julie Lathrop - focus on helping children who were engaging in antisocial or criminal behavior.
  • International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children Founded

    Elizabeth E. Farrell (1870-1932) – founded the International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children
  • Therapeutic Milieu at the Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago

    Bruno Bettelheim begins work on the therapeutic milieu - Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago
  • Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)

    International Council for the Education of Exceptional Children was renamed - Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Disturbed Child Published

    Peral Berkowitz and Esther Rothman write The Disturbed Child - need for a modified psychoanalytic approach.
  • Project Re-Ed

    Nicholas Hobbs - Project Re-Ed (Re-Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children) - model for addressing the needs of children with emotional disorders in residential schools
  • Emotional Disturbance Defined

    Eli Bower - defines Emotional Disturbance in his book "The Early Identification of Children with Emotional Handicaps - influences federal definition
  • Formation of CCBD

    1964 - Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD was formed as a division of the Council of Exceptional Children (CEC). It was the largest division
  • "Conflict of the Classroom Published"

    1965 - Nicholas Long, William Morse and Ruth Newman publish "Conflict in the Classroom" - recommendations for identifying and educating children with emotional disabilities.
  • Mills vs. Board of Education

    Mills vs. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    Friends of Peter Mills advocate for a Free Appropriate Public Education vs expulsion due to behavioral needs
  • Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    1975 - Education for All Handicapped Children Act passed (PL 94-142) Mandated services for children with disabilities, including students with emotional disturbance
  • Period: to

    Federal Government Becomes Major Player in Service Movement

    Late 20th and early 21st centuries, the federal government becomes a major player in teh movement to provide services for persons with disabilities
  • P.L. 94-142 Amended

    1986 - P.L. 94-142 Amended
    Extended its provisions to preschool children
    Greater attention to successful outcomes for children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders
  • Emotional and Behavior Disorders Terminology Adopted

    1988 - The National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition adopted the term Emotional and Behavior Disorders (EBD)
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    EHC was renamed as the Individuals with Disabililties Act in 1990.
  • PL-101-476 Passed

    P.L. 101-476 (IDEA)

    The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) passed
    Specified conditions for removing persons with emotional and behavior disorders from public school for disciplinary reasons without denying them access to alternative educational opportunities
    Mandated functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention
  • IDEA Renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    As a result of the last reauthorization in 2004, IDEA was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act