Galaxy wallpapers 20

Cat's Timeline

  • 1998

    I was born in Arizona in 1998. I don't remember anything at this point in my life, I was too small to remember.
  • 2000

    I moved to Illinois. I remember the train we took from Arizona to Illinois. That's about it.
  • 2003

    My little sister, Sarah, is born. This caused a huge strain in my stepfather and I's relationship, given this was his first child and I was just his stepchild. He favored her.
  • 2006

    I moved to Tennessee. I didn't like moving, but I was too small to have a significant opinion. Tennessee ended up being some of the best times of my life. It was beautiful there. I met a lot of different people, rode horses, made interesting friends. It was a great experience.
  • 2010

    I moved back to Illinois. Moving back was tough. Leaving such a beautiful place was heartbreaking.
  • 2011

    I moved back to Arizona. This was the worst move. As a result of this move I fell into a depression that lasted for 4 years. Today, I'm glad we moved. I've met some of my favorite people, and have had so many great opportunities.
  • 2015

    I became atheist. This was the worst year of my life. My depression hit rock bottom. I was ready to end everything until I realized there is no God.
  • 2015

    I achieved peace and happiness. Upon discovering the non existence of our "God," I felt the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. Realizing there is no God to answer to or live by, has made me so very happy. Everything became so clear and life made perfect sense to me. My depression left. I had achieved perfect tranquility.
  • 2016

    I am now a senior in high school. I'm also a student at EVIT. I am studying to become a police officer, which is my dream job. I'm spending my days working towards my career and life after I graduate.