Cases of Special Education

  • Board of Education v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176

    This case is about Amy Rowley who was a child with a hearing impaired disability. Her parents wanted to make sure she received Free Appropriate Public Education. The two sides of opposition to this case are: the parents feel she needs an interpreter in the classroom to help her along in the classroom. The administrators feel that all she needs is the assistive technology device FM hearing to get along in the classroom.
  • Ruling for Rowley

    I gathered that the ruling for Rowley was in the parent's favor. The courts concluded that although Amy was bright and used the FM hearing device very well and kept up in class with the device, she still was not able to reach her highest potential without the interpreter. It was ruled that she was not receiving Free Appropriate Public Education.
  • Irving Independent School District V. Tatro, 468 U.S. 883

    This is case about Amber who was diagnosed with Spina Bifida who also has to have Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC) performed for her. The two oppositions for this case are: The parents say the procedure can be done by anyone with an hour of training and should be done in the school. The administrators are saying CIC was not part of Amber's IEP.
  • Ruling of Amber Irving Case

    This case was ruled in favor of the family. It was ruled that CIC can be administered by the school and that medical related issues are part of Free Appropriate Public Education. School staff can administer CIC with being a physician.
  • School Committee of Town of Burlington, Mass v. Department of Education of Mass., 471 U.S. 359

    This case is about a young student named Michael Panico who was diagnosed with learning disabilities. The oppositions to this case are: Michael's parents thought that the Town did not properly place Michael in the correct facility to help with his disability and that they should be reimbursed for all fees related. Town believed that Michael was placed in the right facility and that his parents should not be reimbursed.
  • Ruling for Michael Panico

    In this case The Town was favored not the parent. After the courts reviewed the IEP and root of what Michael's disability really was, they ruled that the Town was not responsible for where the child was placed nor should any reimbursement should be given to the parent.
  • The Effect of Historical Ruling of These Three Cases For Children with Disabilities

    In my opinion all three cases have helped children with disabilities. I think that children with disabilities deserved the best education as do regular education children. Disabilities does include medical issues of the child and that is part of their learning and day. I do not feel that parents should have to pay for services for children with disabilities because most parents can not afford it. These are cases that have helped children received the best Free Appropriate Public Education
  • Reference Website