Carrier timeline

  • Graduate High School

    Graduate high school in the upcoming month
  • Attend Centennial college

    Start Centennial College for robotics and automation
  • Apply for CO-OP

    During the 3rd year, I can apply for the CO-OP program for valuable work experience
  • Look for a part-time Job

    I will need to be doing a part-time job as I will have to finance myself moving forward from here
  • Graduate Centennial

    Graduate Centennial College with an advanced diploma and take that diploma to McMaster University for Manufacturing engineering
  • Attend McMaster university

    Pray that I get accepted into Mcmaster university for Manufacturing engineering that was a pathway from Centennial College
  • Survive the workload at McMasters

  • Apply for for the co-op program they offer there

  • Graduate Mcmasters

    Graduate Mcmasters after 2 years there with a degree
  • Apply for full time jobs in related field

    look around for job opening like on websites like Indeed