Carolingian Renaissance

  • Period: Feb 6, 700 to

    carolingian renaissance

  • Oct 23, 732

    Battle of Tours

    The Muslims invaded Spain and move towards France. This is when Charel "the Hammer" Martel used his skills of mulitary into work. He defended France from the overpowering and highly moraled muslims. They were fighting on a hill and in the trees.
  • Oct 18, 751

    King of the Franks

    This is the year that Pepin the Short asked the Pope to name him the King of the Franks and was anointed bt St. Boniface sent by Pope St. Zachary. This shows that it wasnt very important to the Pope that he wouldn't be there himself.
  • Feb 6, 754

    Pope Stephon II travels to France

    Pope Stephon II traveled to France to anoint Pepin the Short again and his two sons. This is done so that the Pope would be protected in exchamge for the papal support. This was important because it shows how much the Pope respected Pepin
  • Feb 6, 771

    Death of Carloman

    This is when, Charles' brother, Charloman died and this leaves Charles as the ruler of the Franks. Multiple people believe that Carloman was killed by Charels so he would become the ruler.
  • Crowning of Charlemagne

    On Christmas mass, Pope Leo III annointed Charlemagne as the Emperor of Rome. With the words that were said, it was implied that it was God's will. The Emperor in the East took offense to this because it showed that he didn't have as much power.