
carlye weit exploration timeline

By WeitJOI
  • Sep 7, 1346

    black death

    black death
    The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. In Europe, the Black Death was a huge outbreak of plague carried by rats kills 25 million people and one-third of the population. The Black Death is thought to have started in China or central Asia.
  • Nov 2, 1347

    guns in europe?

    guns in europe?
    After the Chinese had invented gunpowder in the 9th century.These inventions were later transmitted to the Middle East and to Europe.The first guns appear in europe during 1347 A.D. Gunpowder came to Europe in the late 13th century. The first guns appeared along side.
  • Aug 10, 1406

    the long-lost map

    the long-lost map
    The long-lost map of the world drawn in the second century by the geographer Ptolomey is rediscovered in Western Europe. It becomes the best existing map of the world. Ptolomey's map make Columbus believe that Asia can be reached by sailing west from Europe
  • Apr 28, 1420


    The first caravels are made. For the first time, an Asia ship enters the Atlantic Ocean by rounding the Cope of Good Hope. A caravel is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship with lateen sails that gave her speed and the capacity for sailing to windward
  • Feb 1, 1453


    Moslem Turks captures the great Christian city of Constantinople. Some historians use date as the beginning of the historical period known as the Renaissance. After this time, the Genoese put their financial support behind Portuguese efforts to find a new route to Asia.
  • Aug 21, 1492

    west indies

    west indies
    Columbus discovers the West Indies in the New World. Columbus also learns that compasses change direction slightly as the longitude changes. After seven centuries, the last Moslems are driven from Spanish soil. Leonardo Da Vinci draws a plan for a flying machine.
  • Nov 8, 1493


    Christopher Columbus discovers that the indians use tobacco as a medicine.Eastern North American tribes would carry large amounts of tobacco in pouches as a readily accepted trade item and would often smoke it in pipes, either in defined ceremonies that were considered sacred, or to seal a bargain, and they would smoke it at such occasions in all stages of life, even in childhood. It was believed that tobacco was a gift from the Creator for healing.
  • Mar 4, 1494

    treaty of tordesillias

    treaty of tordesillias
    The Tready of Toredesillas divided the world's undiscovered lands between Spain and Portugal. This line of demarcation was about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands and the islands discovered by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage. The Treaty of Tordesillas was intended to resolve the dispute that had been created following the return of Christopher Columbus.
  • Jan 30, 1507


    A new map of the world uses the name "America" for the newly discovered southern continent in honor of Amerigo Vespucchi. Made by Waldseemüller, his large world map was the most exciting product of that research effort, and included data gathered during Amerigo Vespucci’s voyages of 1501–1502 to the New World. Waldseemüller’s map supported Vespucci’s revolutionary concept by portraying the New World as a separate continent, which until then was unknown to the Europeans.
  • Jun 26, 1507

    eclipse of the moon

    eclipse of the moon
    Using a book on astronomy, Columbus predicts a total eclipse of the moon. He used this information to frighten a group of Native Americans. When the moon started to reappear from the shadow of the Earth, he told them that his god had pardoned them.
  • Jul 15, 1514

    small pox

    small pox
    Smallpox localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin it results in a characteristic maculopapular rash and, later, raised fluid-filled blisters. The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans annually during the closing years of the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs),[8] and was responsible for a third of all blindness. It was brought by the Europeans and began to wipe out native populations in the Americas
  • Oct 21, 1521

    aztec empire

    aztec empire
    I 1521, there was a fall of the Aztec Empire to Spanish forces. The capital of new spain (Mexico City) is built on the remains of the Tenochitlan. The collapse of the Aztec Empire was a major milestone in the formation of New Spain.
  • Feb 2, 1543

    revolve around the sun

    revolve around the sun
    The astronomer Nicholas Copernicus publishes a book which says that the Earth and other planets revolve arouf the sun. Biologist Adreas Vesalius publishes the first accurate book on human anatomy. These were two important milestones in the 1500.
  • destruction

    The destruction of the Spain's great Armanda by Francis Drake and another commander makes England the worlds greatest sea power. The defeat of the Spanish Armada gave heart to the Protestant cause across Europe, and the storm that smashed the retreating armada was seen by many of Philip's enemies as a sign of the will of God. Despite this, Spain reovered from its loss rather quickly. The Spanish navy was rebuilt, and intelligence networks were improved.
  • galileo

    Galileo's first telescope was basically a tube containing two lenses. Observations with Galileo's telescope strengthened the new idea that the Earth and the planets circled the Sun. It also revealed multitudes of stars in the Milky Way and elsewhere.