Career Pathway

By cdull5
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    Technical Certificate from Ivy Tech

    This semester will be my first 16 credit hours, I will need one more semester to complete the technical certificate.
  • Transfer to Ball State

    Transfer to Ball State
    I plan on looking into scholarships to help pay for the rest of my Bachelor's degree. For a better shot at this, I will keep my GPA at Ivy Tech above a 3.7.
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    Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from Ball State

    While at Ball State, I will try to remain above a 3.7 GPA and join the Honors College in order to get into graduate school. This will require use of study skills and good time management.
  • Graduate from BSU, Start Applying for Graduate School

    Graduate from BSU, Start Applying for Graduate School
    Hopefully, I can get into Indiana University and stay in the state. If this doesn't pan out, I'm willing to go out of state.
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    Earn a PhD and Possibly a MA in Philosophy

    This will take a lot of time and effort, including writing a dissertation and working to sustain myself. It's a little difficult to know the exact timespan for this task, as it varies for people depending on what they are able to do. I do, however, believe it is achievable as long as I work towards more specific and timely goals that lead to this one.
  • Start Looking for Positions as a Professor of Philosophy

    Start Looking for Positions as a Professor of Philosophy
    The job market for this is relatively small, but I am willing to live anywhere if it means having a job I enjoy. I will have to begin as an adjunct professor and hopefully get on a tenure track. Because of academic rank, pay varies greatly between positions. As a full professor, I could earn on average 56k a year.
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    Work as a Professor

    Aptitude in communication and research is crucial for the position. I would enjoy teaching students and writing original pieces.