Cancer Screenings Timeline

  • Period: to

    Screenings Throughout the Year

  • Breast Cancer Screening

    Screening for Breast Cancer should start at the age of 40 and should be done yearly until the age of 54. A woman 55 or older should now start getting screenings every 2 years. The screening for Breast Cancer uses a mammogram, which takes an x-ray of the breasts and checks for any lumps or tumors.
  • Lung Cancer Screening

    Screening for Lung Cancer should start at the age of 55 or if an individual had any underlying conditions and should be done yearly from that point. Lung Cancer Screening uses a low-dose computed tomography, which involves the patient lying on a table with an x-ray machine taking a detailed picture of the lungs where cancer can be identified.
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening

    Screening for Colorectal Cancer should be done every 5 years at the age of 45. Once at the age of 85, testing does not need to continue. Screening for this cancer is done by a colonoscopy, which is where a small metal rod is inserted into the anus and cancerous tumors can be identified.
  • Cervix Uteri Cancer Screening(Female)

    Screening for Cervix Uteri Cancer should begin at the age of 25 and it should be done every 3 years. Screening for this cancer is done through a Pap Test, which is where a small piece of cotton is used to scrape some cells from the cervix and they are then examined for cancerous cells.
  • Thyroid Cancer Screening

    Screening for Thyroid Cancer should be done as early as possible and should be done every 6 months. Screening for this cancer is done by neck palpation and ultrasound, which checks for thyroid nodules that can cause cancer.
  • Uterine Corpus Cancer Screening(Female)

    Screening for Uterine Corpus Cancer should start at the age of 25 and be done yearly from that point. Screening for is this cancer is done by a transvaginal ultrasound, which examines the uterus for any tumors that may be forming.
  • Stomach Cancer Screening

    Screening for Stomach Cancer should start at the age of 40 and should be done every 3 years from that point. While testing for stomach cancer is not recommended unless there are underlying issues, screening for this is cancer is done through Upper Endoscopy. This test takes pictures of the upper portion of the gastric tract, so they can later be examined.
  • Ovarian Cancer Screening

    Screening for Ovarian cancer should be done at the age of 30 and yearly from that point on. The two most common screenings for Ovarian cancer is a transvaginal ultrasound and a blood test. Both tests involve the checking of cancerous cells.
  • Liver Cancer Screening

    Screening for Liver cancer should be done for those who are at a high risk of it and it should be done every 6 months after the initial test. Tests for Liver cancer involve blood tests and imaging. Imaging includes ultrasounds that capture pictures of the liver.
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Screening

    Screening for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma should be done for people who are experiencing symptoms, typically at the age of 60. An MRI may be used as a test for this cancer as it takes an image of the person's lymph node and it can then be examined from that point.
  • Pancreatic Cancer Screening

    Screening for Pancreatic cancer should be done for people over the age of 45 and there is no recommended routine for screening. Proper diagnosis of Pancreatic cancer requires a series of imaging, blood tests, and biopsy. A biopsy is where a small amount of tissue is taken from a specific location.
  • Leukemia Screening

    Screening for Leukemia should be done for people under 15 and over 65 and routine blood tests should be done after initial tests. Blood tests are done as screening for Leukemia and it checks for any cancerous cells within the blood.
  • Esophagus Cancer Screening

    Screening for Esophagus cancer should be done by people over 50 and every 3 years from that point. An Esophagoscopy is done as a form of screening and it takes a look inside the esophagus for any abnormal areas.
  • Kidney Cancer Screening

    Screening for Kidney cancer should be done for people between the ages of 50-70 and there is routine screening that needs to take place. Imaging tests are used as a form of screening for this cancer.
  • Melanoma Screening

    Screening for Melanoma should be done by people around the age of 30 and every 3-6 months for 2-3 years. A full-body skin exam is done as a screening, which checks for any abnormalities in the skin.
  • Brain/ Nervous System Cancer Screening

    Screening for Brain/ Nervous System cancer should be done around the age of 57 and every 10 years after. A blood test is used to diagnose nervous system cancer by detecting it within the blood.
  • Bladder Cancer Screening

    Screening for Bladder cancer should by people around the age of 70 and there is no routine screening needed. There is also no specific screening for bladder cancer, but it can be identified early through symptoms.
  • Gallbladder Cancer Screening

    Screening for Gallbladder cancer should be done around the age of 65 and there is no specific routine that needs to be followed. There is also no effective screening for gallbladder cancer and the only to detect it is when gallbladder cancer has grown enough to cause symptoms and signs.
  • Oral Cavity Cancer Screening

    Screening for Oral Cavity cancer should be done over the age of 60 and it should only be done once a year. An oral cancer screening is used as a screening for oral cavity cancer. This procedure involves the dentist checking the inside of the mouth for any specific signs.
  • Vulva Cancer Screening(Female)

    Screening for Vulva cancer should be done between the ages of 50-74 and it should be done every other year. A biopsy is the most common form of screening for vulva cancer and it involves the sampling of cells in a specific area that will be used for testing.
  • Prostate Cancer Screening(Male)

    Screening for Prostate cancer should be done by the age of 50(depending on the medical provider) and every 2 to 3 years after the initial examination. A PSA test is used to diagnose prostate cancer and it is a blood test that measures how much prostate-specific antigen is in one's blood.
  • Larynx Cancer Screening

    There is no specific age or routine for the screening of Larynx cancer and it mostly depends upon the medical provider. There is no screening for this cancer, but it can be detected when the cancer is fully developed and starts causing signs and symptoms.
  • Nasopharynx Cancer Screening

    Screening of Nasopharynx cancer should occur between the ages of 30-50 and the routine of the screening depends upon the medical provider. EBV blood test is used as a form of screening for this cancer and it looks for specific cancerous cells within the blood.
  • Multiple Myeloma Screening

    Screening for Multiple Myeloma should be done every 10 years until the age of 50 then every 3 years from that point. A Complete Blood Count(CBC) can be used to indicate multiple myeloma by measuring the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood.
  • Oropharynx Cancer Screening

    Screening for Oropharynx cancer should be done at the age of 18 and every year after the initial test. An oral cancer screening is done to check for this cancer and this test is usually performed by a dentist. They check for any indications or signs of oropharynx cancer.