Canada at the Turn of the Century: The Beor War
The Beor War was between the South African Republic and the British. The British wanted the newly discovered gold but the Beors claimed it was theirs so the declared war. Many Canadians helped the British fight the beors. Only volunteers were sent to help. Britain was mad that not enough Canadians were sent but then Canadians were mad that to many Canadians were sent. The South African Rebublic won. -
World War 1: The Schlieffen Plan
Count Alfred Von Schlieffen developed the Schlieffen plan, to avoid war on two from two fronts. Germany wanted to go through Belgium around french trenches. Britain objected to this and joined the war. 1913 Von Schlieffen died but the new General only changed the plan slightly. Germany attacked from the South instead but was attacked by Britain and the French. The Germans were bogged down. October, 1914 both sides secured their positons by digging in before winter. -
World War 1: Battle of Ypres
The Ypres battle was between the Germans and the Canadians. The Germans attacked a Canadian force that was green (meaning unexperienced in ways of war). This was the first time that both sides used poison gas in battle. Poison gas had been outlawed. The Canadians had no gas masks at first, and tried to get by with a wet strip of cotton tied over the nose and mouth. This was one of Canadians first victories in war. -
World War 1: Vimy Ridge
Vimy Ridge was is a very important battle for Canadian history. It was the first battle we won without the demand or help from the Britsih army. We won on Easter Monday 1917. The Canadians took 4000 German prisoners, at the cost of 3600 lives. The battle was fought in tremendous sleet. -
World War 1: Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles is known as 'The peace treaty which ended World War 1. The Treaty of Versailles main points were:
-Personalized Germany for causing WW1, changed boundaries of central Europe, reduced the Germany army, navy,etc.. and set up an international organization for peace ( League of Nations). Germany had to agree it was only them who started the was. Hitler then used the treaty to gain power in Germany by saying he will ignore the treaty if he gets voted into power... -
The Roaring Twenties: Flapper Girls
The flapper girls was a whole new women as they reached the 1920's. Flapper girls would drink, dance, go to parties, cut their hair, wwear lots of makeup and wear very scandless clothing. They were offten giddy and they loved being risky. Many of then took up smiking too. The biggest problem for men in the 1920's is that these women were now allowed to vote. -
The Raoring Twenties: Prohibition
Prohibition was a law that was trying to be passed so people couldn't make booze. This rule was for the U.S and Canada. They wanted this law because people were buying their alcohol they they wouold be drunken vulgure people.So many people were upset. Cnada was the first to turn doen the law so they would sell to bootleggers. Bootleggers watered it down to last longer than would sell it for more. This was a crime. The law ended fast enough and people celebrated by drinking. -
Great Depression: Over porduction and over expansion
In the 1920's, agriculture and indutry reached high levels of production. Almost every industry was expanding. Huge supplies of food, newsprint, minerals, and manufactured goods were produced and simply stockpiled. The problem was, many people already had enough product so now people were left with all this product in their warehouses. Owners paniced but it was too late. They laid off workers and now fsamilies had even less money. -
The Great Depression: Stock Market Crash
October 29 was the day of the stock market crash, this was the beginnning of the great depression. During the 1920's people played the stock market, meaning they bought stocks on margin. This was a form of buying credit. Investors only piad 10-15 % of stocks real value so when the stock rises the investor made money but the prices were dropping and people still had to pay the full price.This left many people bankrupt and that was the main cause of the stock market crash. -
World War 2: Pearl Harbour
The American Navy/Military set up their naval forces in the Pearl Harbour. The point was to try to discourage the Japanese from expanding into the pacific but the Japanese just found it easier to attack with the Americans being so close. They planed to bomb the Harbour and on December 7th the Japanese plan came into place. They brought in aircraft dropping bombs, killing thousands of soldiers and hawaii citizens. -
World War 2: Holocaust
Adolf Hitler was the German councellor. He had this big plan one day rule the world. He wanted all people to either be under his power or dead. He planed to completely kill of every Jewish personin the whole world. The Jewish people had no where to go because no country wanted them living there because it will cause more war. The Jewish had to work hard days and nights for the Germans. About 12 million people dies during the Holocaust. Hitler's plan failed. He and his wife commited suicide -
World War 2: Atomic Warfare that ended WW2
The atomuic bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the first and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in war time. It was the United States who were responsible for these two bombings. It was at the end of world war two, basically declaring the end of war. There was around 150,000- 246000 deaths from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. There was only 20 deaths from the Dutch, British and Americans.