Period: to
Family History
Death of Queen Victoria
The Boer war Ends
1st All- Blacks Team
NZ Became a Domanion
Ernest Rutherford identifies atomic structure
Waterfront strikes Aukland and Wellington
NZ Troops occupy Samoa WWI
Gallipoli Campaign
Battle Of The Somme (WWI)
Russian Revolution
End Of WWI Spanish Flu Epidemic
NZ Women eligible For election to Parliment
ANZAC Day Established. NZ governs Samoa.
Beginning of Great Depression
Unemployed riots in Aukland, Dunedin and Christchurch
First NZ Labour Government
Spanish civil war (1936- 1939)
Japanese invasion of China Free milk in schools introduced
Beginning WWII Maori Battalion formed
Germany invades France, Battle of Britain. NZ troops arrive in Egypt
Bombing of Pearl Harbour. Heavy NZ losses in Battle of Crete.