3 important fetal development facts: After ejaculation, sperm can survive or up to 72 hours, after ovulation, an egg can only be fertilized for about 12 to 24 hours and conception is more likely to occur when intercourse happens a few days before ovulation.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Morning sickness, tender swollen breast changes and mood swings.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Start living a healthy lifestyle, get a preconception check up and get to know your cycle. -
Month 1
3 important fetal development facts: Baby is now known as a blastocyst, babies start to sleep from 4 weeks after conception and An embryo's heart begins to beat just 3 weeks after conception.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Bloating, fatigue and mild spotting.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: start taking prenatal vitamins, quit drinking or smoking and drinking lots of water. -
Month 2
3 important fetal development facts: The baby has an identifiable heartbeat just six weeks into your pregnancy, the baby's heart is changing from being a simple, single tube to a complex four chamber organ and is the size of a peppercorn.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Food craving, tiredness and acne.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Schedule your first prenatal doctor visit, eat healthy and take vitamins. -
Month 3
3 important fetal development facts: Babies begin kicking soon after 9 weeks, baby boys secrete a chemical that causes the mother to eat more during pregnancy and baby is beginning to swallow fluid and produce its own digestive juices.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Nasal congestion, emotional roller coaster and nausea.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: begin wearing comfortable clothes, stand up slowly and don't skip meals. -
Month 4
3 important fetal development facts: The baby is around 7.5cm long and weighing about 23g, Babies can taste the food their mothers eat in the womb and this may shape their preferences in later life and the baby's vocal chords are beginning to develop.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: More confident and secure, higher sex drive and constipation.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Pregnancy exercises, talk about your issues out loud and eat fiber rich foods. -
Month 5
3 important fetal development facts: The baby will be about 14cm long and weighing nearly 200g, working his or her muscles and practicing all kinds of moves from hiccuping to kicking and their nerves will now be forming a protective covering of myelin.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Baby movement, swollen feet and trouble sleeping.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Keep weight gain at healthy level, seek and choose a pediatricians and plan for baby's birth. -
Month 6
3 important fetal development facts: The baby's eyes are now fully formed, although they don't have any color just yet, baby can be startled by sudden noises such as your sneezing and there is probably still just enough space for your baby to turn somersaults.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Tingling hands, snoring and weight gain.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Stay hydrated, wear comfy clothes and eat nutritious food. -
Month 7
3 important fetal development facts: The baby will be able to smell the same things you're smelling, pregnancy speeds your metabolism and baby weighs around 2.5lbs now, is around 38cm long and perfectly formed.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Additional pressure in the lower half of your body, backaces/leg cramps and heart burn.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Express your wishes and desires for your delivery to your doctor, get a Tdap vaccine and enjoy the moment. -
Month 8
3 important fetal development facts: The bridge of the nose isn't there at birth it grows later, Your baby will now weigh close to 5lbs and measure up at about 45cm long and parts of their skull may overlap to help them squeeze out.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Back pain, difficulty sleeping and shortness of breath.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: To walk, swim and stay hydrated. -
Month 9
3 important fetal development facts: Baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce, baby is gaining about half an ounce each day in weight and most women will go into labor between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Nausea, swelling in extremities and contractions.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Breathing exercises, patience and preparing for the arrival of the baby. -
3 important fetal development facts: Using a small handheld device to listen to your baby's heart every 15 minutes, breaking the membrane that contains the fluid around your baby and short breaths so the baby can be born slowly and gentle.
3 changes mother is feeling during this time: Feels a bit like you need to have a poo, contractions make your cervix gradually open up and pain.
3 tips for pregnancy during this time: Eat/drink for energy, stay comfortable and relaxed and breathing exercises.