
By the Year 2020......

  • Period: to

    By the Year 2020....

  • District Wide Wifi Access

    District Wide Wifi Access
    By the end of the 2015-16 school year, my district has planned to bid for campus wide Wifi access for all schools.
  • Algebra I in Middle School

    Algebra I in Middle School
    Our district has been in the process of fulfilling exceptional students needs by allowing a small group of 8th grade students to attend Algebra I classes at the high school. By 2017 hopefully one Algebra I class will be present at all of our middle schools.
  • Cluster Groups to Meet the Needs of Exceptional Students

    Cluster Groups to Meet the Needs of Exceptional Students
    By 2018, Cluster groups at each Elementary School will exist to meet the needs of exceptional students regardless of grade/age.
  • Bring Your Own Device School

    Bring Your Own Device School
    By the year 2019, at least one campus in my district will be a "Bring Your Own Device School" to support the ever increasing "Digital Native" population.
  • Multi-Dimensional Teaching

    Multi-Dimensional Teaching
    By the year 2020, 75% of the teachers in my district will be "Multi-Dimensional" teachers who teach children how to learn using techniques beyond the "Traditional Paradigm" of education and are capable of integrating students with special needs into the classroom.