Murica history

Butler-Tech Project 2

  • Telephone Invented

    Though hard to determine who really invented it, Alexander Graham Bell takes claim of it. This invention would revolutionize communication forever, which is now part of our everyday lifestyle.
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    Battle of Little Bighorn

    General Custer and his 268 men from the 7th Cavalry were massacred by thousands of Sioux and Cheyenne natives. News of this shocked and angered many white Americans, backing their beliefs of the natives being bloodthirsty savages.
  • American Centennial

    On the Fourth of July, most Americans celebrate the first 100 years of the nation's survival and growth.
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    The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    In response to wage cuts, 100,000 workers from across the nation struck and blocked essential railroad traffic. This began a new era of labor conflict between the blue collar worker and their employer.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Cyrus McCormick hires a new production manager from Colt firearms that would transform the industry of the world forever with the use of interchangeable parts.
  • The Collapse of the California Native Population

    The influx of settlers moving to California in response to the Gold Rush dwindled the Native population from 150,000 to less than 20,000 in the area.
  • Dawes General Allotment Act is Passed

    Dawes General Allotment Act splintered Native American reservations into individual family homesteads. Each head of a Native family was to be allotted 160 acres, the typical size of a claim that any settler could establish on federal lands under the provisions of the Homestead Act. (americanyawp)
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    End of the Frontier

    By 1899, the American Frontier was finally on its last legs and is now tamed. No more of the "cowboys and Indians" type of history.
  • Panama Canal in American Hands

    The Panama Canal is now part of U.S. territory, a crucial shortcut for ships to or from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
  • Wright Brothers' First Flight

    The Wright Brothers test and display their first successful flight of the Wright Flyer. All modern airplanes are now possible thanks to this creation and all follow the same basic concept.
  • 16th Amendment Passed

    A lot of people hate this one...even might too actually. This amendment establishes an income tax.
  • 17th Amendment Passed

    This amendment allows the people of the United States to elect their state senators into the federal government.
  • Assembly Line In Use

    Henry Ford authorizes the first moving assembly line in his factory, thus revolutionizing the doctrine of production to this day.
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    World War 1

    The world sees its first World War. This worldwide conflict shaped and revolutionized warfare as we see it today. The Great War brought many tools of destruction such as the machine gun, chemical warfare, flamethrowers, and tanks-some of these are even banned from use in warfare today. The War was so horrific, many people thought that it meant the End was near and that Hell was indeed on Earth
  • U.S. Enters WW1

    After intercepting the Zimmerman Telegram and hearing news of U.S. merchant ships being sunk by German subs, the U.S. finally decides to enter the War against the Triple Alliance.
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    Prohibition Instituted

    The consumption, sale, and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages is deemed illegal due to the brute-like behavior and lack of responsibility of those who abused these beverages.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    The Constitution of the United States approves women the right to vote. Yet social equality still has a long way to go for the rest of the nation.
  • The National Football League is Formed

    A professional football league is formed for people all over the world to watch. You see it on TV and everyone still talks about it. It won't get old!
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    The Great Depression

    Due to a number of serious weaknesses in the economy, the world suffered from an economic disaster, starting in the United States. The Roaring Twenties came crashing down.
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    First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic

    Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to successfully fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
  • FDR Inaugurated

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 32nd President of the United States
  • Start of World War 2

    Hitler's German Army invades Poland, hoping to expand and cleanse his Reich.
  • Germany Makes a Huge Mistake

    Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union under Operation Barbarossa, thus putting Germany in a two-front war.
  • Attack On Pearl Harbor

    At date that shall live in infamy... On this day, the Imperial Japanese Navy strikes Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in effort to cripple the American Pacific Fleet and render the U.S. incapable of stopping the Japanese expansion. The Japanese only sealed their fate.