Business Project

  • The Beginning

    -In 1930, the economy shrank by another 8.5%, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
    -The Dust Bowl started
    -Banking panics spread to 1/3
    -Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley tariffs, hoping to protect U.S. jobs.
  • Period: to


  • Food Riots

    Food riots erupt as people struggle for food. Smashed windows of stores because hungry people were becoming desperate and morals were blurred.
  • It Just Gets Worse

    -GDP growth declined 6.4% in 1931 and 12.9% in 1932.
    -Stock market lost 90% of its value
    -Prices fell by 30% between 1930 and 1932.
    - The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is created by Congress, which lends $2 billion to prevent further failures in financial institutions
  • National Debt

    -In 1933, the national debt was $22.5 billion
    -President Roosevelt begins his “first hundred days” in office and 15 laws are introduced rapidly to begin tackling the Great Depression.
    -Prohibition ended
    -The New Deal Program
  • Step Into The Right Direction?

    -The economy also increased by 10.8%, responding to the New Deal programs put in place by President Roosevelt, and debt grew to $27 billion.
    -Gold price history is changed when the Gold Reserve Act is introduced. The act doubled the price of gold and banned private ownership.
  • War Times

    -Unemployment was still low at a 20.1%
    -The war clouds were gathering as Germany began to rearm and passed the Nuremburg laws to strip Jews of their civil rights.
    -There are 27,000 clubs in the Share Our Wealth society across the country, with 7.5 million Americans on the mailing list.
  • Heating Up

    -unemployment rate: 16.9%
    -President Roosevelt is elected to a second presidential term.
    -The heat waves experienced across the nation had killed 1,693 people, and while trying to keep cool, 3,500 more people drowned.
  • Minor Setback

    -In an attempt to relieve the country’s debt, he cut back spending on the New Deal programs, which ultimately pushed the economy back into the depression
    -unemployment rate is 14.3%
  • Growth For Once

    This year, the economy showed growth and finally was out of the Depression. However, the unemployment rate was still at 19%.
  • War Times Part 2

    -World War starts with the invasion of Poland. The manufacturing in the US will increase by 50%.
    -Unemployment rate is 17.2%