Kenneth Lay is appointed chairman and CEO of Enron
Lay hires Jeffrey Skilling
Skilling named president and COO of Enron
Fastow creates a partnership, Chewco, to buy the University of California pension fund's stake in another joint venture. Chewco doesn't meet requirements to be kept off Enron's balance sheet. -
Fastow named finance chief
Fastow creates LJM
The purpose of this partnership is to "buy" poorly performing Enron assets and hedge risky investments, which helps the company hide debt and inflate profits. -
Enron's stock high of $90.56
Stock price of $90.56 -
Announcement that Jeffrey Skilling will take over as CEO in February
Skilling will take over in February -
Skilling resigns for and Lay is CEO again
Skilling resigned for "personal reasons" -
Finance exec Sherron Watkins meets privately with Lay
Discusses concerns of murky finance and accounting -
Lay encourages employees to buy Enron stock
Lay uses an Internet chat to encourage employees to buy Enron stock, saying that it is "an incredible bargain" and predicts that the value of the company would increase 800 percent or more in the next decade -
David Duncan discards records according to auditor Andersen
Enron says SEC is looking into their transactions
Lay said "We will cooperate fully with the SEC and look forward to the opportunity to put any concern about these transactions to rest." -
Enron says it overstated earnings back to 1997 by $600 million
Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
Congressional hearings begin
The Justice Department opens criminal investigation of Enron
Andersen admits employees disposed of documents relating to Enron's audit
Enron blames and fires Andersen
Lay resigns as chairman and CEO.
Lay resigns from the board.
Former Enron auditor Arthur Andersen LLP indicted
Indicted for destroying Enron-related documents to thwart investigators -
David Duncan pleads guilty to obstruction
David Duncan, Andersen's former top Enron auditor, pleads guilty to obstruction for instructing his staff to destroy documents -
Andersen convicted.
Jeffrey Richter pleads guilty to conspiracy and lying
Former Enron trader pleads guilty to conspiracy and lying to the FBI for helping manipulate California's electricity market in 2000. -
Fastow pleads guilty
Andrew Fastow pleads guilty to two counts of conspiracy and agrees to serve 10 years in prison. -
Lay surrenders to FBI
He was accused of participating in a conspiracy to manipulate Enron's quarterly financial results, making false and misleading public statements about the company's financial performance and omitting facts necessary to make financial statements accurate and fair. He plead innocent. -
Federal judge schedules the Lay, Skilling and Causey trial
Scheduled for Jan. 17, 2006. -
Causey pleads guilty
Causey pleads guilty to securities fraud and agrees to serve seven years in prison in exchange for cooperating with the government.