
  • 272

    Emperor Asoka

    Emperor Asoka takes throne (272 B.C.E) and Buddhism became a state religion.
  • 300

    Buddhism to SE Asia

    Buddhism makes its way into southeast Asia (300 B.C.E) Sri Lanki in 247 B.C.E
  • 372

    Buddhism to Korea

    Chinese monks bring Buddhism to Korea where it isn't accepted until 527
  • 552

    Buddhism in Japan

    Buddhism is brought to Japan in 552 and Prince Shotoku sponsored Buddhism in Japan from 572-621
  • 552

    Life of Confucius

    The philosopher, Confucius's life. 552-479 B.C.E
  • Jul 27, 606


    Ruler of a large empire in northern India from 606-647 and was a Buddhist convert in a Hindu era.
  • Jul 27, 1150

    Extinction of Buddhism in India

    Buddhism became virtually extinct in India in the mid 12th century
  • Jul 27, 1360

    Thailand state religion

    Buddhism becomes state religion in Thailand
  • Siddhartha Guatama

    Later became the Buddha, founder of Buddhism. 490 B.C.E
  • First Buddhist Council

    First council to preserve/pass teachings of Buddha (486 B.C.E
  • Buddhist Canon

    The teachings of the Buddha, first oral, later on became written (480 B.C.E)