

By MrSidey
  • Oct 29, 1250

    aztecs settle near lake texcoco

  • Oct 29, 1325

    city of tenochtitlan is founded by the aztecs on an island in lake texcoco

  • Oct 29, 1440

    montezuma I begins his rule

  • Nov 19, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    He was born in the Republic of Genoa He discovered the Americas for some kids
  • Nov 19, 1502

    Aztec empire is at its most powerful as Montezuma II begins his rule.

  • Nov 19, 1506

    Columbus dies.

  • Oct 29, 1519

    Cortes and the spanish conquistadors arrive at Tenochtitlan

  • Nov 19, 1519

    Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors arrive at Tenochtitlan.

    The definition for Conquistadors: A conqueror, esp. one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century.
  • Nov 19, 1520

    Spanish bring small pox to the "New World" with them, causing an outbreak of the disease.

  • Nov 19, 1521

    Cortes claims Tenochtitlan for Spain.

  • Nov 19, 1522

    Tenochtitlan is rebulit as the capital of "New Spain", the Spanish colony in the Americas.

  • Spanish bring small pox to the "New World"