Brown vs. Board of Education

  • Dred Scott

    Black people, free or enslaved are not allowed to be citizens
  • Bureau

    Provide relief and help. Black schools fall under this bureau
  • Civil Rights Act

    Granted Black people basic economic rights and right to own property.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment was ratified and ruled that all people born or naturalized are considered citizens.
  • Civil Rights 1875

    Prohibits discrimination in theatres, inns and other public places.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    separate but equal facilities for White and Black railroad passengers did not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

    eliminate lynching, and to fight racial and social injustice, primarily through legal action.

    began his strategy of challenging segregation in graduate and professional schools.
  • Sipuel vs. Oklahoma

    A unanimous Supreme Court held that Lois Ada Sipuel could not be denied entrance to a state law school solely because of her race.
  • Brown vs Board

    On February 28, Brown v. Board of Education was filed in Federal district court, in Kansas.