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Historical timeline
Brown vs Board of Education
For much of the sixty years preceding the Brown case, race relations in the U.S. had been dominated by racial segregation.This case is considered a landmark in education. The courts declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation as it applied to public education. -
National Defense Eduation Act
The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) was signed into law to provide funding to United States education institutions at all levels. The act authorized funding for four years, increasing funding per year: for example, funding increased on eight program titles from $183 million in 1959 to $222 million in 1960 -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This legislation was passed as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty and is considered one of the most influential legislations based on education passed by congress. The act was created to fund primary and secondary education, while forbidding the establishment of a national curriculum.The bill aims to shorten the achievement gaps between students by providing each child with fair and equal opportunities to achieve an exceptional education. -
Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act
Congress passes the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act, which is included in the Education of the Handicapped Act of 1970 (PL 91-230). This is the first time federal law mandates support services for students with learning disabilities -
Education for All Handicapped Children's Act
Sometimes referred to using the acronyms EAHCA or EHA, or Public Law (PL) 94-142.This act required all public schools accepting federal funds to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day for children with physical and mental disabilities. Public schools were required to evaluate handicapped children and create an educational plan with parent input that would refer as closely as possible the educational experience of non-disabled students. -
Refugee Education Assistance Act
An act to provide general assistance to local educational agencies for the education of Cuban and Haitian refugee children, to provide special impact aid to such agencies for the education of Cuban and Haitian refugee children and Indochinese refugee children, and to provide assistance to State educational agencies for the education of Cuban and Haitian refugee adults. -
Americans With Disabilities Education Act
An education act to provide federal financial assistance to State and local education agencies to guarantee special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. -
Educate America Act
The Act provides resources to states and communities to ensure that all students reach their full potential. It is based on the premise of outcomes-based education that students will reach higher levels of achievement when more is expected of them. Congress appropriated $105 million for fiscal year 1994. States submitted applications to develop school improvement plans, and make subgrants to local schools, and awards for preservice and professional development. -
Reauthorization of Americans with Disabilities (IDEA)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) renames and changes PL 94-142. The term 'disability' replaces 'handicap,' and the new law requires transition services for students. Autism and traumatic brain injury are added to the eligibility list. -
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
The Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) was first authorized under the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. This act awards financial assistance to students and colleges from the federal government. -
No Child Left Behind
The legislation was proposed by President George W. bush on January 23, 2001. No Child Left Behind requires all public schools receiving federal funding to administer a state-wide standardized test annually to all students. The bill was passed on May 23, 2001 and was signed in law by President Bush on January 8, 2002. -
Board of Education vs. Earls
Supreme Court case in which upheld the constitutionality of mandatory drug testing by public schools of students participating in extracurricular activities. The Student Activities Drug Testing Policy adopted by the Tecumseh, Oklahoma School District (School District) requires all middle and high school students to consent to urinalysis testing for drugs in order to participate in any extracurricular activity. -
Reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
President Bush signed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, which reauthorized the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). School personnel now have more authority in special education placement decisions and the new law is better aligned with the No Child Left Behind Act.