Period: to
My Lifespan
Newly Married Stage
In this section of the life cycle I want to be married or engaged. I will have to take on several new responibilities include: providing income for myself, caring for my home, providing clothing and food for myself and husband, have good communication patterns and learn to solve problems with my spouse, and learn to set goals with my spouse and plan for our future together. -
Early Parenthood Stage
During this stage I will go through pregnancy.This will be around the time my first child is born and ill continue through the childs toddler, preschool, and elementary years. During this stage me and my spouse will have the responsibilities of caring for our child and meeting her needs. We must also learn to understand the needs of the child and how to care for her. We will have to learn the developement of children and how to stimulate the childs growth. -
Later Parenthood Stage
During this stage I will have to help my children through puberty. I will also have to show them that they are growing up. I will show this by giving some of my responsibilties and give them to my daughter. I will have to give her more freedom but not to much. I will also have to be understanding of her but not give her to much freedom and make sure she knows her boundaries. -
Empty Nest Stage
During this my youngest child will be independent and living on his own. We will no longer have children dependent on us for meeting their care needs. By this time my oldest child will be almost finished with college and engaged or married. My husband and I will need to accept the new son into our extended family. We may still provide some financial help for our children once in a while but not completely. My spouse and I will need to find new ways to bond. -
Retirement Stage
During this stage I will be retired . I want to start saving up my money for retirement prior to my 45th birthday. After retirement I want to be able to travel the world with my spouse. We will also have time to xpress our feelings for hobbies and other leisure activities we like to do.