Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Invension of the lightning rod
Benjimen Franklin ivented the lightning rod It was in Boston, Massachusetts in 1746 that Franklin first found upon other scientists' electrical experiments. He quickly turned his home into a little laboratory. using machines made out of items he found around the house. During one experiment, Ben accidentally shocked himself. -
Invension of the spinning jenny
James hargraves invents the Spinning jenny -
Invention of the steam ship
In 1769, the Scotsman James Watt made an improved version of the steam engine that welcomed in the Industrial Revolution. The idea of using steam power to propel boats occurred to inventors soon after the power of Watt's new engine became known. -
Invension of the steamboat
John Fitch invents the steamboat -
Invention of the gas turbine
John Barber invents the gas turbine -
First electic light
The electric light was invented by Humphry Davy in 1809.
He connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the other ends of the wires and charged carbon glowed making the first arc lamp. -
First Photograph
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first person to take a photograph. He took the picture by setting up a machine called the camera obscura in the window of his home. It took eight hours for the camera to take the picture. -
Invention of th electro magnet
British electrician, William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in 1825. The first electromagnet was a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that was wrapped with a loosely wound coil of several turns. When a current was passed through the coil; the electromagnet became magnetized and when the current was stopped the coil was de-magnetized. Sturgeon displayed its power by lifting nine pounds with a seven-ounce piece of iron wrapped with wires through which the current of a single cell battery was sent -
Invention of the typewriter
W.A Burt invents the type writer. A typewriter by definition is a small machine, either electric or manual, with type keys that produced characters one at a time on a piece of paper inserted around a roller. Typewriters have been largely replaced by personal computers and home printers. -
Invention of the propeller
Englishmen, Francis Pettit Smith invents the propeller. -
First Anticeptics
Ignaz Semmelweis invents antisceptics. An incredible invention in the medical industry still used today. -
Invention of the Caculator
William Burroughs invents a mechanical calculator. Born 1857 Rochester, N.Y - Died 1898
In 1885, Burroughs filed his first patent for a calculating machine. However, his 1892 patent was for an improved calculating machine with an added printer. William Seward Burroughs invented the first practical adding and listing machine - National Inventors Hall of Fame. -
Invension of the machine gun
Richard Gattling Invent the Machine gun and with that revolutionises war. Machine guns inflicted appalling casualties on both war fronts in World War One. Men who went over-the-top in trenches stood little chance when the enemy opened up with their machine guns. Machine guns were one of the main killers in the war and accounted for many thousands of deaths. -
Invention of Dynamite
Swedish industrialist, engineer, and inventor, Alfred Nobel built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. His construction work inspired Nobel to research new methods of blasting rock. In 1860, the inventor first started experimenting with nitroglycerine. -
Invention of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone. Makes long distance instant comunication posible for the everyday person. -
First Internal combustion engine
Nicolaus August Otto invents the first practical four-stroke internal combustion engine. -
Invention of the submerine
Designs for underwater boats or submarines date back to the 1500s and ideas for underwater travel date back even further. However it was not until the late 18th century that the first useful submarines began to appear. -
Steam turbine
Charles Parson patents the steam turbine -
Karl Benz invents the first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. -
Invention of the Zepelin
The zeppelin invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. A Zeppelin is a duralumin-internal-framed dirigibles invented by the persistent Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
The first rigid framed airship flew on November 3, 1897 and was designed by David Schwarz, a timber merchant. Its skeleton and outer cover were made of aluminum. Powered by a 12-horsepower Daimler gas engine connected to three propellers, it lifted off successfully in a tethered test at Templehof near Berlin, Germa