The Battle of Winwaed
It was fought in 655 a.D. between the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Northumbria and Mercia. This not only ensured Nortrhumbia as the ruling kingdom in Northern England as it marked the defeat of the last credible pagan force in Anglo-saxon England. -
Jun 24, 1340
Battle of Sluys
It was a historical important battle because it destroyed much of the French navy, making the French invasion of England impossible and ensuring that most of the battles of this war took place in France. -
Jun 28, 1491
King Henry VIII
He is known as the founder of the Anglican Church. His first wife didn't give him sons, only daughters so he separated from the Roman Catholic Church and create a new one in order to get divorced from this first wife. -
Nascimento do Marquês de Pombal
Nascimento: 13 de maio de 1699, Lisboa
Falecimento: 8 de maio de 1782 (82 anos)
Formação: Universidade de Coimbra
Viveu: Lisboa -
The Act of Union
It abolished the unions of the crowns which united the kingdoms of England and Scotland which became known as the kingdom of Great Britain. -
Companhia Geral do Grão Pará e Maranhão.
Foi uma empresa comercial privilegiada, de caráter monopolista, criada sob o reinado de dom Pedro II (1667-1706), em Portugal, para atuar no Estado do Maranhão. Durou de 1682 a 1685. -
Terramoto de 1755
O Marquês de Pombal e a reconstrução de Lisboa.
Engenheiros: Eugênio dos Santos, Manuel da Maia e Carlos Mardel.
Paredes com estrutura de madeira preparadas para resistirem a novos sismos.
A partir da estátua do rei no centro da praça do comércio.
Ruas largas e retilíneas.
Prédios idênticos, de linhas simples e sólida construção. -
Criação da Companhia da Agricultura das Vinhas do Alto Douro
Criação da primeira zona demarcada de vinho do Porto, para evitar adulteração do vinho. -
Morte dos Távoras, Duques de Aveiro e Alornas
O Marquês de Pombal não hesitou em perseguir o clero, a nobreza e os jesuítas principalmente quando estes sê-lhe opuseram.
Vários membros da alta nobreza foram perseguidos presos e condenados à morte, por serem acusados de tentar assassinar o rei D.Jóse I em 1758.
A Burguesia foi protegida pelo Marquês de Pombal, que a estimulou a participar nas companhias comerciais e lhe concedeu títulos nobiliárquicos.
Acabou com a separação de cristãos novos e cristãos velhos. -
Expulsão dos Jesuitas
Marquês de Pombal expulso os jesuítas pois foram acusados de propagarem uma fé obscurantista e pouco esclarecida. -
Real Colégio dos Nobres
Colégio criado para os filhos dos nobres, para que fossem disciplinados segundo o Marquês de Pombal. -
Reforma da Universidade de Coimbra
Criou as faculdades de matemática e filosofia natural.
-Ensino baseado na observação e experimentação, foram criados laboratórios (Laboratório químico e gabinete de física). Jardim botânico. -
The Slave Trade Act
An Act for the abolition of the slave trade, was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom prohibiting the slave trade in the Brithish Empire. Although it did not abolish the practice of slavery, it did encourage British action to press other nations states to abolish their own slave trades. -
Charles Dickens
Famous English writer.
Among his classics are "David Copperfield" and "Oliver Twist".
Died in 1870 with 58 years old. -
The Battle of Waterloo
This was a military battle in Waterloo - today Belgium -, between English and French soldiers, which marked the end of the War of the 100 days, It was the last Napoleon's battle.
24000 soldiers died. -
Robert Baden-Powell
He was a British military who founded Scouts. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
He was a British medicin, biologist and pharmacologist who discovered penicillin. -
World War II
War between Allied powers and Axis powers which led to: allied victory; collapse of Nazi Germany; fall of Japanese and Italian Empires; dissolution of the League of Nations; Creation of the United Nations; Emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers; Beginning of the Cold War...
WWII ended in 1945. -
John Lennon
He was a musician, composer, vocalist and playede several instruments and several genres. He started making music in 1957util the year he died, in 1980.
He was one of the founders of The Beatles. -
Stephen Hawking
English scientist.
His scientific career and thesis were on General relativity; Quantum gravity; Properties of expanding universes (1966).
He won several prizes but never the Nobel prize.
He died in 14th March, 2018.