British and The Son's of Liberty

By trentj5
  • Sugar Act Imposed

    Sugar Act Imposed
  • Stamp Act Created

    Stamp Act Created
  • Sons of Liberty Formation

    Sons of Liberty Formation
  • Burning of Governors Mansion

    Burning of Governors Mansion
    The Sons of Liberty traveled to Governor Hutchinson's house, in demand that he repeal the Stamp Act. As any loyalist would, he refused and an estimated $2337.08 was done in damage to the Governors mansion.
  • Gathering under the Liberty Tree

    Gathering under the Liberty Tree
    The Sons, only consisting of about 300 men, gathered under the Liberty Tree, where offenders of peoples liberty and Andrew Oliver, a Stamp Act supporter, hung.
  • Sugar Act Repealed and Replaced With Revenue act

    Sugar Act Repealed and Replaced With Revenue act
    Sugar act repealed and was replaced by the Revenue act which taxed one cent per gallon of molasses.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    Stamp Act Repealed
  • Townshend Act Imposed

    Townshend Act Imposed
    Taxes were placed on glass, oil, lead, paint and paper.
  • Townshend acts repealed

    Townshend acts repealed
    Townshend acts were repealed
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On the night of March 5th, angry, unarmed colonist were throwing hard packed snowballs at British soldiers when one soldier fired into the crowd, killing a young black colonist, Crispus Attucks. Two others were injured and the men later passed from their wounds.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 13th, 1773, The Sons of Liberty took to three British ships and dumped over 342 ships, worth over $18,000 worth of East Indian Company tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts set in place

    Intolerable Acts set in place
    Intolerable acts were set in place due to the Boston Tea Party. This put a tax on many items.
  • Beginning of the Revolutionary War

    Beginning of the Revolutionary War
    Revolutionary is finally started.
  • End of Revolutionary War

    End of Revolutionary War
    The end of the revolutionary war ended with a British treaty and America finally gained it's independence.