
Bristol Airlines History

  • Doha International Development/End

    Doha was a real life airport that Bristol started development on. While it was partly finished, it was in very poor shape and thus never released. Development started on or around this date.
  • Sedona V1 Development

    Sedona V1's development begun approximately on or around this date. It is the day our first airport started its development.
  • Founding Date

    This is the day Bristol Airlines was founded. Bristol was originally named Qatar, but a decision was made to shut the airline down in favor for well, Bristol.
  • Sedona V1 Release

    Sedona V1 Release
    Sedona V1 is officially released.
  • Achieved Airport Independence

    Bristol achieved full airport independence on this day. This means the airline is fully capable of building airports and will never purchase one for the foreseeable future.
  • NIT International Release

    NIT International Release
    Named after the co-founder Nitrous (Sol_Rising as of 2022) is NIT International. NIT is Bristol's second official airport.
  • Westward International Development

    Westward International Development
    Development for Bristol's third airport has begun. Westward is expected to be the best build airport throughout the entirety of the airline's history
  • Bristol Training Facility Release

    Bristol Training Facility Release
    Bristol's first training facility was released. It was later discontinued and was never used after the shutdown of 2021.
  • Blaggoman Admin Abuse

    Blaggoman Admin Abuse
    Dominus Admin Abuse, what a noob. Crazy thing is, he's a developer for Bristol Airlines as of 2022.
  • 1 Year Anniversary

    1 year ago from this date, Bristol was founded. Today marks that anniversary. Summary of 2019:
    -Bristol is founded
    -Sedona V1 and NIT International V1 is released
    -Marks the year that Bristol achieved airport independence
  • New CEO (atticus)

    A new BOD that goes by the short name, Atticus became CEO around or on this date.
  • NIT International V2 Released

    NIT International V2 Released
    On or around this date, NIT International was given a complete makeover.
  • 1000 Group Members

    On or around this date, Bristol reached 1000 group members.
  • Period: to

    Shutdown of 2021

    Bristol went under inactivity or experienced a near-full shutdown during this timespan.
  • Original Founders Replaced

    The original founders both Abstalex and Sol_Rising stepped down on or around this date due to personal issues.
  • Atticus Takes Ownership

    Atticus takes over.
  • 2 Year Anniversary

    2 years ago from this date, Bristol was founded. Today marks that anniversary. Summary of 2020:
    -Bristol was fully operational
    -Two airports are released, one is in development
    -Atticus becomes CEO of Bristol Airlines
  • Awinkle Takes Ownership

    Awinkle takes over after Atticus resigning.
  • Original Founders Take Ownership

    Awinkle gave the original founders Abstalex and Sol_Rising ownership, starting the official revival of Bristol Airlines
  • Period: to

    Revival of 2022

    The Revival of 2022 is the period in which Bristol is activity working to revive itself after the inactivity period of 2021.
  • Sedona V2 Development

    Sedona V2 Development
    After some thinking, Bristol felt that it was a good idea to remaster Sedona V1 and turn it into something even better.
  • NIT International Discontinued

    NIT International lived an okay life. It is one of the two airports, the other one being Sedona, that gave Bristol the enormous strength and experience that it has today. NIT International may have discontinued on this day, but it will never be forgotten, that's for sure.
  • Progress Towards Technology Independence

    Since 2019, Bristol has been fully reliant on technology from third-party services. While this isn't really horrible persay, it is a major problem in the case of if a third party service shuts down, dumps malicious code into their products, or takes away our licenses. So to avoid problems, we've started making progress towards relying on our own custom technology. Soon, there will be little to no third party tech in our airports.
  • 3 Year Anniversary

    3 years ago from this date, Bristol was founded. Today marks that anniversary. Summary of 2021:
    -Went under a full shutdown for nearly a year
    -Original founders left early 2021 and came back late 2021
    -Bristol didn't make any significant progress in the past year
  • Sedona V2 Released

    Sedona V2 Released
    After all the schooling and time that has passed, Sedona V2 is officially completed.
  • BAS V1 Completion

    BAS V1 Completion
    Bristol's first admin system has finally been completed. Our new system allows the ability to control any current or future Bristol tech, full moderation, and game management.
  • First Private Test Flight

    First test flight (private) since before the airline went into a period of inactivity. The flight was attended by most BODs and the founders. There were minimal systems in the game, as such we plan to complete everything over the course of many months, but we will still do an official flight way before hand.
  • Boarding System Developed

    Boarding System Developed
    Bristol's first custom boarding system was developed on this day. This progresses us further to achieving technological independence, marking only an IFE and the Bristol Store required for completion.
  • Public Test Flight

    Public Test Flight
    Few to no passengers came, but the flight was an overall success despite "minor" issues. This is the first public test flight since the airline's period of inactivity/shutdown, and since our work towards going operational.
  • Progress Towards Aircraft & Vehicle Independence

    Since 2019, Bristol has faced many issues with third-party companies offering aircraft and vehicles, sometimes issues involving the airline having to rewrite code in our own products just for them to work with someone elses. Now, in 2023, Bristol has begun attempting to develop custom vehicles and aircraft. This may take years, but it'll be worth it.
  • 125 Discord Members

    Let's see if it sticks, and how much higher it can get. :)
  • New CEO (FuriousHunter_29)

    Furious, longtime veteran of Bristol Air, has became CEO on this day.
  • Achieved Technology Independence

    Bristol achieved technological independence on this day. This means the airline is capable of developing its own technology (does not include aircraft or vehicles) and will never have to buy tech again.
  • IFE Release

    IFE Release
    Bristol's first custom-made IFE is released for use during flights. This IFE is extremely modifiable for future implementations, and will serve Bristol for a long time.
  • Elko International Development

    Elko International Development
    On this day, Bristol Air has begun developing a new airport that will be both capable of departure and arrivals. It will be our first desert airport, and our next detailed one.
  • NextGen Project Development

    Our NextGen project involves unioning all or most of our systems, and implementing a new system to manage flights at a more in-depth and efficient level. This airline will soon become technologically advanced, and it will happen when the NextGen project is completed.
  • New CEO (Kold_Tee)

    Kold_Tee replaced Furious as CEO on this day.
  • 160 Discord Members

    On this day, Bristol Air has reached 160 discord members. The number may change or drop below again, but this is normal. We expect to go higher.
  • BAS Revamp

    BAS Revamp
    BAS was modified to look and function better, and for easier access.
  • 4 Year Anniversary

  • Ceased Operations

    The owners have ceased operations due to the lack of time they have into keeping Bristol afloat. It is for good this time. The airline will still do reunions from time to time though, likely every year on this day up until we can't.
  • Period: to

    Shutdown of 2023-2024

    The airline during this period was inactive.
  • Potential Revival of 2024

    There have been talks and plans confirming a potential revival of Bristol Airlines for the 2nd time in its history. While it may seem to be confirmed, things can change, and the revival plan may fall apart. Only time will tell.
  • Revival of 2024

    Bristol Airlines has been revived, and from this point on, is in the process of getting back into operations.
  • Change of Administration

    Cookie becomes Chief Executive Officer. Balanced becomes his assistant.
  • Progress Towards Full Independence

    Our senior developer Blaggoman has given Bristol two aircraft's, one of them being a 737. Fully animated, they just need a Flight Kit and a good interior. This progresses the airline towards full independence, especially if Bristol is flying using its own aircraft. However, we still need our own vehicles.