Original Inhabitanta
Jagera and Turrba tribes live on either side of the brisbane river, and were there for thousands of years before Europeans invaded -
First QLD European Settlement
Penal Settlement set up at Redcliffe -
Turrbal People at York's Hollow
Settlement relocates to Brisbane
Limited water supplies and hostile natives caused the Colonists to move to the banks of the brisbane river -
Development of Settlement
Crops were planted and buildings built -
Old Mill Built by Convicts
Brisbane becomes free settlement
Immigrants were allowed free settlement in the Moreton Bay area. -
Aborigines banned from City Area
Queensland established as separate Colony
Queensland was separated from NSW and made its own colony, and in time, state -
Terrace Opened, Toowong Cemetery
Indigenous People scarce in QLD
Indigenous were at risk of extinction in QLD, so government relocated them to reserves under the Aboriginal Protection ACt, which was not amended until 1971 -
Australia's Federation
Australioa becomes a federation and is separated from England, becoming it's own country -
Centenary Pool Opened
Victoria Park used for Recreation