In 1897, when Grand Junction was sixteen years old, members of two women’s clubs united under the name of the Woman’s Library Association. The goal of the association was to establish a free public library. The first step towards this goal was taken in 1898, when the association opened a subscription library to “anyone whose morals were unquestionably good”.
Source: http://mesacountylibraries.org/aboutus/history/ -
By 1900, the association had received a promise from Andrew Carnegie to donate $5,000 for a library buildingThe city council was lobbied by the ladies and members of the council pledged $1,200 a year to support a library. A site was chosen on the corner of 7th and Grand, and the grand opening of the Grand Junction Public Library was held on July 5, 1901.
Source: http://mesacountylibraries.org/aboutus/history/
Image courtesy of Mesa County Public Library Foundation. n.d.(photograph). -
In the 1930s, the library outgrew the Carnegie building and, in 1938, federal Public Works Administration funds were used to construct a new building on the corner of 5th and White. The library was to remain in this building for the next 36 years.
Source: http://mesacountylibraries.org/aboutus/history/
Image courtesy of Mesa County Public Library Foundation. n.d.(photograph). -
Bookmobile proving service to Mesa County in 1941.
Image courtesy of Mesa County Public Library Foundation. n.d.(photograph). -
In December 1974, after years of hard work on the part of county commissioners, the library board and staff, the Mesa County Public Library opened the doors of a new facility at 530 Grand Avenue.
Image courtesy of Mesa County Public Library Foundation. n.d.(photograph). -
New Director from Moab
In 2007, new Director takes over. Eve Tallman takes the helm -
Record Checkouts in 2011
Mesa County Library sets record for checkouts in June. (2011, July 14). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/articles/mesa_county_library_sets_recor -
Library Undergoes 7.1 Million Dollar Renovation
[2013 Library Renovation]($7.1 million renovation project)
Checking it out. (2013, June 20). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/articles/mesa_county_library_sets_recor -
A New Direction
Library Hires New Director
New Mesa County library director a leader in technology. (20, June, 2013). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from http://www.postindependent.com/News/GrandJunction/6915961-113/library-sanchez-director-county -
Renovated library opens August , 2013.
Image courtesy of http://mesacountylibraries.org/aboutus/history/ -
Looking Toward the Future
Library Begins Construction on 970West Studio Mesa County Libraries to begin construction of 970West production studio. (26, June, 2015). Retrieved June 14, 2016 from http://mesacountylibraries.org/blog/2015/06/26/mesa-county-libraries-to-begin-construction-of-970west-production-studio/ -
Wild Colorado App
Mesa County Libraries starts Kickstarter Campaign for new Wildlife App
[Mesa County Libraires]. (2015, November 2). Wild Colorado - Share the Adventure [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vLZm4wgPIA&list=PLwG8-RX3odQ-vSDjlu7Jy4208FEqrV0w0&index=1 -
970West Studio Opens
970West Studio Opens to the Public
970West Studio to open Jan. 4 and 5 with walk-in orientation sessions. (31, December, 2015). Retrieved June 14, 2016 from http://mesacountylibraries.org/blog/2015/12/31/970west-studio-to-open-jan-4-and-5-with-walk-in-orientation-sessions/