
Brendan Flanigan -- Life Starting as an Irish Immigrant

By Steckel
  • Birth

    The day was July 20, 1852. In Northern Ireland, in the town of Aldergrove, I was born with bright blue eyes, and some hairs of shiny blond. My mother used to tell me that out of all of my siblings, I was the only one who didn't cry at birth. I am the youngest out of 10 children. My name became my father's: Brendan Flanigan Jr., for I was the last baby, and the last of the boys. I grew up knowing English, since my mom was American when she met my father.
  • Historical Event #1: Moving With Horror

    Historical Event #1: Moving With Horror
    My family moves to the West of Ireland, settling in the town of Ballyconneely when I turned 16 years of age. As we settled in, my sister, Gracie, leaves the fireplace buring during the night. Somehow, something caught fire. I was the only survivor, which means I became an orphan. I had no clue where the rest of my family lived. My father or mother never told us siblings, or never mentioned about them.
  • Historical Event #2: Making Decisions

    Historical Event #2: Making Decisions
    I nowhere to live. I always moved from place to place, on the streets with little money. One day, I had to walk around and ask for money. Eventually, this old Irish man told me about America and how spectacular it was. He gave me enough money to go there. O! How I was blessed by a kind soul! I right away collected my treasures, and found beaten up boxes lying on the streets. I looked at a picture I manage to grab on the day of the fire, with myself as a baby boy, with my family surrounding me.
  • Historical Event #3: Scared

    Historical Event #3: Scared
    I stepped in this boat called Florida. I found a group of lads and they told me that they were going to America. They said that we are becoming immigrants. I was full of joy! Now I can find a real home! Maybe even make a few new friends!But as I thought about that all in my lil' mind, a lad told me that the decision we had all made is risky. But there is no sense in turning back. He said it could be risky.I asked him, "How do you know all this?"
    He said: "My friend wrote to me so."
  • Historical Event #4: Want To Go Back

    Historical Event #4: Want To Go Back
    I finally had arrived, in a place called Ellis Island. As I looked to my left, I had saw this statue that was glowing far across the distance. It's orange light was beaming, and I just stood there in wonder, and awe. I had to go through this examination. Thankfully, I passed. I exchange my left over money, and the lady gave me back 2 bags full of American money. As I set them down to rest, one feller managed to take 1 of my bags! Instead of running after him, I took my other bag.
  • Historical Event #5: Wants To Get Married

    Historical Event #5: Wants To Get Married
    I met this chinese immigrant that was sitting on a wooden bench. I sat next to her. We both thought that none of us lads spoke English, but surprisingly, I spoke and said 'hello.' She too was surprised. We both laughed. She told me her name was Lijuan Mei. I told her mine. I have decided that I am going to buy a engagement ring and ask her for her hand in marriage.