Brain Development

  • Conception

    This is where the baby is first conceived and their existence begins. The sperm and the egg come together and form a life that needs to further develop through the rest of the pregnancy. This event happens approximately nine months before birth.
  • Neural Plate Folding

    Neural Plate Folding
    There are a group of cells located in the embryo and they become a tube by folding and becoming that shape. This happens two weeks after conception.
  • Closing of Neural Tube

    Closing of Neural Tube
    The tube is eventually closed after the sides of the tube connect and close together. This tube is the beginning of the brain and this first part is at four weeks.
  • Spinal Cord Development

    Spinal Cord Development
    Neurons begin to be created in the spinal cord and this allows the baby to have movement. This is a big stage because it begins mobility that further develops through pregnancy. This is 7 weeks after conception.
  • Proliferation:Ventricular Zone

    Proliferation:Ventricular Zone
    The cells inside of the tube begin to increase in number. The number of cells continues to grow until further development.
  • Proliferation: Marginal Zone

    Proliferation: Marginal Zone
    Axon and dendrite formation occur in this zone. Along with the first zone, these will significantly increase before the end of development. In fact, there will be way too many cells made, which is purposeful.
  • Migration Begins

    Migration Begins
    Movement from the ventricles to the cortex begins during this time. This is where the neurons move to the right spots and begin to act in the correct location. This is part 1 of a 2-part process.
  • Differentiation

    This is where neural connections begin to develop and they begin to receive functions. Instead of being general, this process allows them to gain specific roles that are necessary for development.
  • Myelination

    This is a process where conduction increases, meaning things can easily move through and stay in. This begins with cranial nerves during this time, but all nerves likely will experience it.
  • Synapses Form

    Synapses Form
    This is when synapses are first formed. 2 brain cells connect and this forms a synapse. This can be 2 neurons for example. This process will continue until there are way too many, before the pruning process.
  • Birth

    baby is born and is biologically separated from its mother. The brain is eventually more independent and the baby is no longer connected to the mother. At this point, the bain is about 25% of what it will eventually be
  • Myelination Movement

    Myelination Movement
    This process continues but it begins to start hitting other parts of the brain. It usually starts with the insides but moves the the edges of the brain.
  • Pruning begins

    Pruning begins
    Pruning is where synapse/neural connections are removed because there are too many. There are intentionally way too many and that is fixed by this process. This begins now with the visual cortex. Timetoast
  • 1 Year Old

    1 Year Old
    Baby is now one year old and has been alive for more time than it was in the womb. At this point, the brain is 50% of final size during later stages in life.
  • Pruning Cont...

    Pruning Cont...
    At this stage, there are an extreme amount of synapses and neurons, and pruning will continue on. This age will have almost double the amount of synapses and neurons that they will eventually have.