Book Thief project

By WyFern
  • The Nazi Party was started in Munich, Germany

    The Nazi party, originally the National Socialist German Workers' Party, was founded.
  • Period: to

    Hitler gains power

    The Nazi party got 37.4% of the votes in the 1932 Reichstag election. Hitler removed his party's support from Hindenburg because he did not appoint Hitler as chancellor. The 1933 Enabling act granted Hitler as much power as Hindenburg. After Hindenburg's death in 1934, Hitler ruled Germany with absolute power.
  • Liesel is brought to her foster home, her brother dies on the way

  • Liesel becomes heavyweight champion of the school yard.

  • World War II Starts

    Hitler invades Poland with the Nazi Party.
  • Hitlers Birthday

    Adolf Hitlers turns 51 years old.
  • Liesel steals The Shoulder Shrug from the bonfire

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

  • Liesel joins the thief gang and steals apples.

  • Max arrives at Himmel Street