
Bolivia Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1538

    Spain conquers Bolivia

    Spain conquers Bolivia
    Spain conquers Bolivia from the Incas, who had ruled Bolivia dating back to the 1200's. Bolivia becomes part of the vice-royalty of Peru.
  • Apr 1, 1561

    Santa Cruz is founded

    Santa Cruz is founded
    Spaniard Nuflo de Chavez founded Santa Cruz.
  • King is overthrown

    King is overthrown
    Napoleon overthrows the king of Spain
  • Gran Colombia proclaimed

    Gran Colombia proclaimed
    The Republic of Colombia(Gran Colombia), which is made up of Colombia, Venezuela, and Equador, is proclaimed.
  • Independence

    Bolivia declared its independence from Spain and took on the name Bolivia, after South American independence leader Simon Bolivar.
  • Period: to

    The Chaco War

    A war between Bolivia and Paraguay over control of the northern part of the Gran Chaco region of South America, which was thought to be rich in oil. Ironically, there turned out to be no oil.
  • Victor Paz Estensorrow founded the National Revolutionary Movement

    Victor Paz Estensorrow founded the National Revolutionary Movement
    Victor later went on to serve 3 terms as President of Bolivia.
  • Che is executed

    Che is executed
    Latin American guerrilla leader Jan, Ernesto "Che" Guevara was executed while attempting to incte revolution in Bolivia.
  • Period: to

    Suarez rules Bolivia

    Colonel Hugo Banzer Suarez ruled Bolivia as military dictator.
  • Period: to

    Zuazo is President

    Hernan Siles Zuazo (1913-1996) became Bolivian president again and restored democracy after 18 years of military rule.
  • Estensorro dies

    Estensorro dies
    Former President of Bolivia Victor Paz Estensorro died at 93 years old.