Mills vs. BOA of the District of Columbia
Questioned the BOA violated 14th Amend. & misused funds & w/held prog. for children w/disabilities. Plaintiffs argued children were excluded while the BOA stated they had insufficient funding within the programs provided to the students. Courts ordered district to provide due process safeguards entailing zero rejection. Due process procedure provided exclusionary stages which outlined labeling, placement and decision-making. Parental rights to hearing, appeals records access. -
Board of Hendrick Hudson SD vs. Rowley
Specific use & interpretation of appropriate education to students w/ disabilities. Lower courts felt a deaf child didn’t require interpreter, speech therapy(3 x wk), &FM services, exceeding FAPE. Amy would receive supportive svc., minus interpreter, w/out hendering achieve full educational proficiency. Individualized basis need evaluation FAPE/EAHCA provided. Students under IDEA a relative progress using particular methods. Rowley, impedes individual adv. higher rate or potential. -
BOE, Sacramento City School District vs. Rachel Holland
Holland’s req'd. full-time placement in gen. ed. class, District insisted on sp. ed. placement. Mediation resulted in 1/2 gen.ed w/ supp svc, 1/2 sp. ed. class. IDEA supports children w/disabilities right of education w/non-disabled peers (20 U.S.C., sec. 1400-1485). Rachel was admitted into gen. ed. w/ supplemental support. Ruling enables equal access to educational svc. regardless of cost to district. Full inclusion grants students w/disabilities equality in educational system. -
Cheatham, A. (2011, February 1). Significant court cases in special education. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/AngieCheatham/court-cases-6780307. Images: Retrieved from Google.com copyright.