• baptism

  • when it started

    baptism is a christen ritual where people wanting to become Christin get baptized is it performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the head,
  • origins

    John the Baptist, who is considered a forerunner to Christianity, used baptism as the central sacrament of his messianic movement.
  • changes within the celebration

    more people are becoming baptized with the christen community and its becoming more popular.
  • challenges to observing the ritual

    Baptism is death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. close family and friends are able to come watch there friend or family become baptized
  • Beliefs

    the child or adult now has a spiritual side to his/her nature and belongs to Jesus Christ. baptism is the forgiveness of sins, all sins are forgiven.
  • symbols and actions

    symbols of baptism are the holy water, the cross, a white garment, oil and light. some actions of baptism are the person wanting to become christen is the priest wetting the persons head