Treaty of San Ildefonso
It made Spain and France allies against the British Empire. -
Treaty of San Ildefonso
It made Spain and France allies against the British Empire. -
Treaty of Fontainebleu
It allowed French troops to cross Spain to invade Portugal, however, France invaded a few cities along its way. -
Period: to
Spanish War of Independence PART 1
French troops occupied almost entire Spain, but found resistance and suffered some defeats such as the one in Bailén. -
Period: to
Spanish War of Independence PART 2
Napoleon intervened personally taking the capital and Spanish troops were repeatedly vanquished and dispersed, seizing control of nearly the entire Peninusla, except Cádiz. -
Mutiny of Aranjuez
Godoy was deposed and Carlos IV abdicated in favour of his son, Fernando VII. -
Cortes Constituyentes
Meeting in Cádiz, the only city in the Peninsula not occupiedbt the French, to modify politics. -
Several American territories established autonomous juntas
Constitution of 1812
First Spanish Constitution. Decrees: Freedom of press, abolition of Inquisition, suppresion of servitude, elimination of guilds and domestic customs,property ownership and equality before the law. -
Period: to
Spanish War of Independence PART 3
The Anglo-Spanish army, leaded by the Duke of Wellington, defeated French troops expelling them from Spain. -
Period: to
Sexenio Absolutista
Fernando VII tried to restore absolutism, and he made it, abolishing the Constitution of 1812. He came back to the Old Regime where confiscated land was given back to aristocracy and the Church and they didn't have to pay taxes again. -
Liberal pronunciamiento of Colonel Rafael del Riego
Period: to
Trienio Liberal
Constant conflicts occured between moderate and radical liberals. There were several coup attempts, but all failed. -
The Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis
French Army was mobilized by the Bourbon King of France, Louis XVIII, to help the Spanish Royalists restore King Fernando VII of Spain to the absolute power of which he had been deprived during the Liberal Triennium. -
Pragmatic Sanction
Change of the law in favour of Isabel II. -
Period: to
First Carlist War
Dynastic and ideological conflict. Liberals against Carlists. Carlists were mainly in the north of Spain. -
Mutiny of La Granja
Popular protest that obligated Mª Cristina, regent queen,to hand over the government to the progressives. -
Mendizabal's desamortización
Promotion of the policy of suppresing and selling church properties. -
Constitution of 1837
Less liberal than the one in 1812. -
Embrace of Vergara
Pacto de caballeros entre los generales Maroto y Espartero para finalizar la primera guerra carlista. -
New regent
Espartero replaced Mª Cristina. -
Isabel II starts reigning
Narváez ended regency with a pronunciamineto and Isabel started to reign with 13 years. -
Constitution of 1845
Sovereignty was shared between the King and the parliament. Limited suffrage.The state was centralised. -
O'Donnell led a pronunciamiento against the government. -
Period: to
Progressive Biennium' (Bienio Progresista)
There was considerable legislative activity. -
Period: to
Liberal Union of O'Donnell
They held power, Period of economic growth, political stability and military foreign interventions. -
Pact of Ostend
Pacto para destronar a Isabel II. -
Glorious Revolution
Leaded by Prim and Serrano. Isabel II left Spain. -
Period: to
Sexenio Democrático
Since the Glorious Revolution to the end of the First Rpeublic. -
Constitution of 1869
Contained a declaration of rights and recognised universal male suffrage. -
New constituional monarch
Amadeo I of Savoy, that coincided with the assassination of his main backer, Prim. -
Period: to
Third Carlist War
Carlos VII leaded a new uprising with northern-Spain support. -
Abdication of Amadeo I of Savoy
He abdicated because he encountered opposition everywhere -
Cantonal Revolution
Radical version of federalism that proposed the transformation of Spain into a federal republic made up of separate states. -
Serrano became dictator
He dissolved the Parliament but another pronunciamiento restored the Bourbon dynasty. -
Bourbon Restauration
Alfonso XII became King. He ended rebellions and a new Consitution. -
Constitution of 1876
Established a constituional monarchy, a Parliament based on limited suffrage, and a range of rights and liberties. -
Turno pacífico
Conservadores y liberales se alternaban el gobierno mediante manipulación política a través del caciquismo (intimidación y violencia para alterar el voto de la población local) y pucherazos (manipulación de los resultados electorales).