Period: 1096 to 1291
Crusades are fought
The crusades was a war fought between Christians and Muslims. The Christians were trying to save their Holy Land ( Jerusalem). This was an unsucceful attempt but it did expand trade routes. -
Renaissance begins
The word Renaissance is French and means rebirth. During the Renaissance art and science became more well known and used. Many modern-day things we use today all started during the Renaisance. -
100 year war begins
The 100 year was is a long conflict between France and England. The French had the financial and military resources while the English were well disciplined and were successful in using longbows. At the end of this war France resumed its place as the dominant state of west Europe. -
Black Death Begins in Europe
The black death traveled through rats and fleas that came on ships. This disease was highly contagious and there was no cure. The black death resulted in half of the population dying and others having to deal with the dead bodies. -
Period: 1371 to 1433
Zheng He's Voyages
Chinese explorer who lead seven great voyages on behalf of the Chinese emperor. These voyages traveled through lots of seas. The seven voyages were diplomatic, military and trading ventures, -
Joan of Ark Burned at the Stake
At the age of 16, Joan began hearing voices that exhorted her to aid the Dauphin in capturing the French throne. Joan traveled to Vancouleurs and told the captain of the garrison about her visions and he dismissed her and sent her home. She told more people about her visions and later got burned at the stake for heresy. -
Fall of Constantinople
After 10 centuries of war, the Byzantine Empire came to an end when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks. After the fell it is widely noted that this event marked the end of the European Middle Ages. The Pope tried to call for a military responce but no one responded so Mehmed declared the city his new capital. -
Johannes Gutenberg printing press
Gutenberg developed mass-producing movable typing and also good quality oil-based inks. Johannes created the Bible and people loved it so he began making more which took a lot of labor. The printing press helped books be able to get produced faster so more people could enjoy them -
Start of the Spanish Inquistition
The inquisition is a way to root out and punish heresy, it has happened in many places but the worst manifestation was in Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years resulting in around 32,000 executions. Torquemada was named the Inquisitor General and established the courts across Spain. -
Period: 1491 to 1547
King Henry VIII Reign
King Henry ruled for 36 years and in that time he brought his nation into the Protestant Reformation. Henry was married 6 times and his desire to always wed led to the approval of a separate Church of England. King Henry decided he didn't need the pope's permission to rule on issues affecting the church. -
Christopher Columbus Lands in the New World
Christopher Columbus was sailing across the Atlantic Ocean when he saw a Bahamian island and believed he had reached East Asia. When he got to the island he claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain. Later in the month while at the island he spotted Cuba which he believed was the mainland China. -
Period: 1492 to
Columbian Exchange
The Columbian exchange was a widespread transfer of population, technology, and ideas between the Americas and the Old World. Crops was a big reason for this exchange, certain crops could only be found in certain places so they transferred the crops so others could have it as well. Another reason is disease, Europeans suffered from malaria while others didn't because they became amune to it. -
Mona Lisa completed
Leonardo da Vinci created the world's most famous oil painting. Leonardo was living in Florence when he painted the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa set the standard for all future portraits. -
Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo got hired to paint the chapel because others wanted him to fail and make fun of him for it. His two rivals Raphael and Bramante hoped that Michelangelo would fall flat and want to leave Rome. Painting the Chapel took about four year to complete his painting. -
Battle of Chaldiran
A military engagement that the Ottomans won and went on to gain control of eastern Anatolia. Although the Ottomans had artillery they still had a long war between the rival Muslim powers. The long war was for ocntrol of Anatolia and Iraq. -
Martin Luther post 95 theses
In 1517 Luther nailed 95 questions and propositions for debate to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. These questions were written in a humble and academic tone but quite provocative. The 95 Theses quickly distrubuted throughout Germany and made their way to Rome. -
Period: 1520 to 1566
Sultan Suleyman Reign
At the age of 15, Suleyman wanted to be a governor so he was sent to Sarki province. After his brother had died Suleyman became the man of the throne and was very confident. Suleyman was a very gracious ruler and very fair. -
Cortes defeats Aztecs
Cortes was fighting multiple troops and during the Spaniards' retreat, he defeated the Aztec army. He revisited the place where he defeated the Aztecs three months later and that marked the fall of the Aztec empire. The Aztec emperor was taken prisoner and executed and Cortez became ruler of the vast Mexican empire. -
Cortes Conquers the Aztecs
After a three month battle the Spanish capture Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. After this Cortes's men leveled the city and captured Cuauhtemoc, the Aztec empire. -
"The Prince"
The Prince was written as if it were a traditional work but it was especially innovative. This book was written in the vernacular Italian rather than Latin. The Prince is sometimes claimed to be one of the first works of modern philosphy. -
Pizarro Defeats Incas
Pizarro invited Atahualpa to attend a feast in his honor and he accepted. Atahualpa accepted because he thought he had nothing to fear having just won his biggest battle yet. But Pizarro had other plans and ambushed Atahualpa at their meeting. -
Period: 1533 to
Queen Elizabeth's Reign
The Elizabeth age is named after Queen Elizabeth and it is when England asserted itself as a major European power in politics, commerce, and the arts. Although her kingdom was small her expressions of loyalty helped her unify the nation against foreign enemies. She upheld her authority to make critical decisions to set the central policies of both state and church. -
Period: 1545 to
Counter Reformation
Counter-Reformation was a time when people knew there was a problem in the Church and wanted to fix it. The Church believed education was foremost in the minds of many leaders. The biggest victory was the restoratin of the Roman Catholic domination in Poland and in Hussite Bohemia. -
Period: to
Era of the Samurai
The samurai were the first of their countries military dictatorship. The samurai were servants of the daimyos, meaning they backed up the authority of the shogun. The samurai dominated the Japanese governenment and society until the Meji Restoration. -
William Shakespeare's Death
William Shakespeare died in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon when he was 52. Some legends say he fell ill and died after a night of heavy drinking with two of his other writer friends. Shakespeare's burial was at Holy Trinity Chruch and was more suited for a wealthy retiree. -
Period: to
Slave Trade
Slave trade first started out small when a Dutch ship brought 20 African slaves ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. The slave trade gradually grew as more people heard of it and wanted in. Some historians estimate that six to seven million black slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century alone. -
Taj Mahal Completed
An enormous mausoleum complex by the emperor to house the remains of his wife. The Taj Mahal took 20 years to complete and it one of the most outstanding examples of architecture. This is one of the worlds most stunning symbols of India's rich history -
Lord George McCartney Expelled
In 1775 McCartney was appointed the Captain-General and Governor of the Caribbee islands, during his time being the general the island was attacked and captured by the French. McCartney was sent on a confidential mission to Ireland while there he was offered to be governor of Madras but declined and went back to England. While in England he took his seat in the Irish Lords and served as custos. -
Period: to
Opium War
The opium wars were two armed conflicts in China. The first war was fought between China and Britain and the second was fought by Britain and France against China. In both wars, the foreign team was victorious and gained commercial privileges and legal territorial concessions in China.