History of technology

By 480cz
  • Period: 2000 BCE to


  • Steam calculator (analytical engine)

    Steam calculator (analytical engine)
  • Steam calculator (analytical engine)

    Steam calculator (analytical engine)
  • Hollerith Punch card Invention

    Hollerith Punch card Invention
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
  • Turing machine

    Turing machine
  • Hp founded

    Hp founded
  • Tim Berners beginning

    Tim Berners beginning
  • englebart GUI

    englebart GUI
  • Apple founded

    Apple founded
  • Windows released

    Windows released
  • Wifi founded

    Wifi founded
  • Iphone founded

    Iphone founded
  • Chrome book Released

    Chrome book Released
  • Apple watch Released

    Apple watch Released